Academic Affairs Digest: 2023

The following comprises a compendium of Simmons faculty scholarship and includes research activities, publications, editorial assignments, and notable awards.


Greta DavisGreta A. Davis, Clinical Associate Professor

Awards and Honors

Advocacy and Community Service Award, Texas Career Development Association, Service, Professional, State. (November 10, 2023).
Dr. Davis is recognized for 5 years of service leading the statewide career counseling Peer Consultation Group which aims to equip counselors with best practices in career counseling and development and build capacity to provide equitable and culturally responsive services.

Outstanding Career Practitioner Award (Nominated January 2023), National Career Development Association, Leadership, National. (January 31, 2023).
Award Description: "This award was established to recognize practicing career counselors and career service providers for outstanding performance and best practices in the day-to-day services they provide."
Five years of membership in NCDA.
At least 8 years of direct work with regard to career development in Higher Education, K-12, Private Practice &/or Consulting, Business/Industry, Government or Non-profit/Community Organization settings.Training in counseling or closely related field from a college, university or NCDA-recognized credentialing body.Documented involvement in, service to, and leadership within NCDA, state CDA and/or related professional associations at the local, regional, national and/or international levels.

Editorial Activities

Texas Career Development Association, Officer, Senator of the Texas Career Development Association, Austin, TX, United States, approximately 30 hours spent for the year, Yes, elected, Pro Bono, State. (August 2023 - May 2026).
Serve as voting member of the Texas Counseling Association representing the TCDA members as their elected Senator. Attend TCA Board and Senate Meetings and vote on business related to the organization.

Professional Offices

Texas Career Development Association, Officer, Secretary, Austin, TX, US, approximately 35 hours spent for the year, Yes, elected, Pro Bono, State. (May 1, 2021 - May 1, 2023).
Serve as a voting member of the Texas Career Development Association Executive Board. Take minutes of meetings to formally document organization proceedings.

LaKaavia TaylorLaKaavia K. Taylor, Clinical Associate Professor


Smith, L., Barrio-Minton, C., Taylor, L. K., Price, E. (2023). Seeking Counseling Services: A Phenomenological Study of African American Women. Journal of African American Studies, 27, 251-267.

Ceballos, P., Taylor, L. K., Turner, K. (2023). Conducting Ethical, Antiracist Mental Health Research with Children and Adolescents. Journal of Child and Adolescent Counseling, 9(2), 122-135.

Editorial Activities

International Journal of Play Therapy, Reviewer, Journal Article, Yes, appointed, Pro Bono, International. (September 5, 2023 - October 5, 2023).
Expert journal reviewer for international journal due to expertise in African American children and play therapy.

Education Policy & Leadership

Willis JonesWillis A. Jones, Associate Professor

Awards and Honors

Research Focus on Sport and Education (RFES) Distinguished Senior Scholar Award, American Educational Research Association (AERA), Scholarship/Research, National. (April 17, 2023).


Black, W., Howe, J., Jones, W. A. (2023). Exercising Power: A Critical Examination of National Collegiate Athletic Association Discourse Related to Name, Image, and Likeness. Journal of Sport Management, 37, 222-344.

Alexandra PavlakisAlex E. Pavlakis, Associate Professor

Awards and Honors

Provost Faculty Research Fellow, SMU, Scholarship/Research, University. (December 22, 2023).
Nominated by Faculty Senate.  Awarded $15K research funds.


Pavlakis, A., Roberts, J. Kessa, Richards, M. P., Hill, K., Mirakhur, Z. (2023). Educational practices to identify and support students experiencing homelessness. Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University.

Teaching & Learning

Corey BradyCorey E. Brady, Associate Professor

Awards and Honors

Best Paper, 2023, International Society for the Learning Sciences, Scholarship/Research, International. (June 15, 2023).
Outstanding paper, ICLS 2023


Brady, C. E., Jung, H., ALEJANDRO, JOSE DAVID DE LEON, Coleman-King, C. C., de Araujo, Z., Sutcliffe, K. (2023). Board 268: Engineering Connections in Culturally-Responsive Mathematical Modeling Problems. 2023 ASEE Annual Conference \& Exposition.

Pierson, A. E., Brady, C. E., Lee, S. J. (2023). Braiding Feeling, Sensemaking, and Practice in Science Investigations. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences-ICLS 2023, pp. 67-74.

Stein, G., Jean, D., Brady, C. E., L\'edeczi, \'Akos (2023). Browser-based simulation for novice-friendly classroom robotics. Frontiers in Computer Science, 4, 1031572.

Pierson, A., Brady, C. E., Lee, S. J., Shuler, D. (2023). Cultivating Generative Emotion in Science Classrooms. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences-ICLS 2023, pp. 59-66.

Jen, T., Brady, C. E., Vogelstein, L., Ayalon, E. (2023). Designing for Feelings: Disruptive Beginnings in Youths’ Designs of Mixed Reality Activities for Sustainability. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences-ICLS 2023, pp. 950-953.

Pierson, A. E., Brady, C. E., Lee, S. J. (2023). Emotional configurations in STEM classrooms: Braiding feelings, sensemaking, and practices in extended investigations. Science Education.

Brady, C. E., Vogelstein, L. (2023). Epistemic rekeying: Epistemic tensions across disciplines as opportunities for artistic response. Reno, NV: PME-NA.

Stroup, W. M., Brady, C. E., Petrosino, A., Duseau, K. (2023). Establishing statistical significance for comparisons using pattern-based items: Change at scale. Reno, NV: PME-NA.

Brady, C. E. (2023). Making mathematics together by modeling shared experiences. Frontiers in Education, 8, 1165228.

Jung, H., Brady, C. E. (2023). Modeling Actions Foregrounded in Whole-Class Modeling Discourse: A Case Study of a Model-Eliciting Activity and a Three-Act Task. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 1--24.

Brady, C. E., Jung, H., McLean, J., Dominguez, A., Glancy, A. (2023). Models and Modeling Research Colloquium. Reno, NV: PME-NA.

Sengupta-Irving, T., Vogelstein, L., Brady, C. E., Phillips Galloway, E. (2023). Prolepsis \& telos: Interpreting pedagogy and recovering imagination in the mediation of youth learning. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 32(2), 211--249.

McLean, J. A., Brady, C. E., Jung, H., Dominguez, A., Glancy, A. W. (2023). Seeing the Forest for the Trees: Investigating Students’ Data Moves in a Citizen Science Based Model-Eliciting Activity. Advancing and Consolidating Mathematical Modelling: Research from ICME-14 (pp. 193--204). Springer International Publishing Cham.

Brady, C. E., Jung, H., McLean, J. A., Dominguez, A., Glancy, A. W. (2023). Student Presentations of Mathematical Modelling Solutions as a Setting for Fostering Reflective Discourse. Advancing and Consolidating Mathematical Modelling: Research from ICME-14 (pp. 61--76). Springer International Publishing Cham.

Pierson, A. E., Brady, C. E., Clark, D. B., Sengupta, P. (2023). Students’ epistemic commitments in a heterogeneity-seeking modeling curriculum. Cognition and Instruction, 41(2), 125--157.

Hern\'andez-Zavaleta, Jes\'us E, Brady, C. E., Becker, S., Clark, D. B. (2023). Vygotskian hybridizing of motion and mapping: Learning about geometric transformations in block-based programming environments. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 1--35.

Johnson, P. M., Baroud, H., Brady, C. E., Abkowitz, M. (2023). Who contributes to disaster preparedness? Predicting decision making in social dilemmas pertaining to community resilience. Risk Analysis.


Brady, C. E., Grant, "AI-ENGAGE:  Engaged AI for Narrative Centered Learning", NSF, Southern Methodist University, $214,000.00, Funded. (October 1, 2023 - September 30, 2026).

Brady, C. E. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Empowering Students with Choice through Equitable and Interactive Mathematical Modeling (EIM2)", NSF, Southern Methodist University, $1,978,280.00, Funded. (July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026).

Petrosino, A. (Supporting), Brady, C. E. (Principal), Duschl, R. A. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Learning to Reenact, Reenacting to Learn", Dedman College Interdisciplinary Institute, Southern Methodist University, $3,850.00, Funded. (May 2023 - August 2024).

Pando, M. (Principal), Brady, C. (Co-Principal), Wieselmann, J. R. (Co-Principal), Sponsored Research, "Performance-based Funding: Teaching & Learning Network Series", Simmons School of Education & Human Development, Southern Methodist University, $7,290.00, Funded. (September 2023 - May 2024).

Lin LipsmeyerLin L. Lipsmeyer, Professor


Ma, S., Bhagat, K., Spector, J. M., Lin, L., Liu, D., Leng, J., Tiruneh, D., Mancini, J. (2023). Developing critical thinking: A review of past efforts as a framework for a new approach for childhood learning. Learning, Design, and Technology. New York, NY: Springer.

Lin-Lipsmeyer, L., Sibuma, B. (2023). In Spector, M., Lockee, B., Childress, M. (Ed.), Innovative design and development approaches.. New York, NY: Springer.

Lin-Lipsmeyer, L., Sibuma, B. (2023). Innovative Design and Development Approaches: A Section Introduction. In Spector, J.M., Lockee, B.B., Childress, M.D., (eds.) (Ed.), Learning Design and Technolgy. New York, NY: Springer.

Jin, Y., McVey, M., Christensen, R., Asim, S., Howe, K., Cheon, J., Rutledge, D., Ardito, G., Johnson, L., Webb, L., Lipsmeyer, L. L. (2023). Modeling innovative technology use in teacher education and professional development Part 2. In Langran, E. (Ed.) (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1666-1669). New Orleans, LA: Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference.

Ross, S., Klein, J., Spector, M., Johari, A., Natividad, G., Young, P., Johnson, T., Ilgaz, H., Morel, G., Lin-Lipsmeyer, L. (2023). Editors’ Perspectives of Educational Technology Research and Development (ETR&D) Journal: Reflecting the growth of ETR&D through editors’ personal journeys. AECT 100 Years.

Martin, W., Gardner, S., Chillmon, c., Gomez, L. E., Lin-Lipsmeyer, L., Lindgren, R., Lue, G., Mak, J. (2023). Partnerships for Change: Transforming Research on Emergent Learning Technologies [Report]. In Martin, W., Gardner, S., Chillmon, C., Gomez, L.E., Lin-Lipsmeyer, L., Lindgren (Ed.), Digital Promise. CIRCLS - Center for Integrative Research in Computing and Learning Sciences.

Archibald, A., Heap, T., Lucke, H., Verpoorten, D., Lin-Lipsmeyer, L., Guppy, N., Bartolic, S. (2023). The Lockdown in Retrospect: An International, Mixed Methods Perspective on Student and Faculty Experiences with COVID-19 Remote Learning. In Cockerham, D., Kaplan-Rakowski, R., Foshay, W., Spector, J.M., (eds.) (Ed.), Reimagining Education: Studies and Stories for Effective Learning in an Evolving Digital Environment (pp. 55-68). New York, NY: Springer.

Archibald, A., Hudson, C., Heap, T., Thompson, R., Lin, L., DeMeritt, J., Lucke, H. (2023). A Validation of AI-Enabled Discussion Platform Metrics and Relationships to Student Efforts. TechTrends - Springer, 67, 285-293.

Rahimi, S., Walker, J., Lin-Lipsmeyer, L., Shin, J. (2023). Toward defining and  assessing creativity in sandbox games. Creativity Research Journal.

Publications accepted

Cockerham, D., Tyler-Wood, T., Lin-Lipsmeyer, L. (in press). An Inquiry-Based Approach to Understanding Well-Being and Smartphone Usage: Constructing Research with Adolescent Students. To appear in Springer.

Lin-Lipsmeyer, L., Reeves, T. (in press). Future of research in the field. In Reiser, R., Carr-Chellman, A., Dempsey, J., (eds.) (Ed.), Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology (5th ed.).


Petrosino, A. (Principal), Lipsmeyer, L. L. (Supporting), Cuevas, A. (Supporting), Duschl, R. A. (Supporting), Grant, "Adapting Educational Systems with TEIL at SMU", Dedman College Interdisciplinary Institute, Southern Methodist University, $2,950.00, Funded. (May 2023 - August 2024).

Pande, P. (Principal), Lipsmeyer, L. L. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Performance-based funding (T&L) for a middle-school web-based science learning pilot study, and computer simulation design prototyping project", Southern Methodist University, $6,600.00, Funded. (October 2023 - May 31, 2024).

Pande, P. (Principal), Bing, E. G. (Supporting), Lipsmeyer, L. L. (Supporting), Schenck, K. (Supporting), Grant, "Performance-based funding (TEIL) for "eye-tracking for characterizing learning in terms of patterns of visual attention and perceptual navigation in technology-enhanced environments"", Southern Methodist University, $9,600.00, Funded. (October 2023 - May 31, 2024).

Walkington, C. A. (Principal), Lipsmeyer, L. L. (Co-Principal), Pando, M. (Co-Principal), Sponsored Research, "Performance-based Funding: ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵResearch on Generative AI", Simmons School of Education & Human Development, Southern Methodist University, $4,400.00, Funded. (September 2023 - May 2024).

Research pending (submitted)

Lipsmeyer, L. L. (Principal), Roberts, K. (Co-Principal), Grant, "CollaborativeResearch:DTI:Learning Semiconductors with AI and Friends", National Science Foundation, Federal, $414,802.00, Currently Under Review.

Prajakt PandePrajakt Pande, Assistant Professor


Pande, P. (2023). Enacting Biomolecular Interactions in VR: Impact on Student Conceptual Understanding in Biochemistry. In Shih, JL. et al. (Ed.), The 31st International Conference on Computers in Education (vol. 2, pp. 317--325). Matsue: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. .

Publications accepted

Walkington, C. A., Sherard, M., Pande, P., Daughrity, L., Beauchamp, T., Cuevas, A. (in press). The Affordances and Constraints of Mathematics Tutoring in Immersive, Collaborative, and Dynamic VR Environments. American Educational Research Association.

Publications submitted or under revision

Washington, J., Pande, P., Ramasamy, P., Moeller, M. E., Mojsoska, B. Enacting Molecular Interactions in VR: Preliminary relationships between visual navigation and learning outcomes. Orlando: IEEE VR 2024.

Sherard, M., Walkington, C. A., Daughrity, L., Pande, P., Beauchamp, T., Cuevas, A. Pedagogical Challenges in Virtual Reality Mathematics Learning Environments. International Society of the Learning Sciences.

Daughrity, L., Walkington, C. A., Sherard, M., Pande, P., Beauchamp, T., Cuevas, A. From Abstract to Tangible: Leveraging Virtual Reality and GeoGebra for Playful Math Education. International Society of the Learning Sciences.

Pande, P., Jepsen, P. M. Science lab safety goes immersive: An ecological media-comparison study with gender analyses assessing iVR’s learning effectiveness. Research and Practice in Technology-enhanced Learning

Editorial Activities

International Society of the Learning Sciences Annual Meeting, Reviewer, Conference Paper, approximately 20 hours spent for the year, No, neither, Pro Bono, International. (November 2023 - January 2024).
Peer review of conference paper submissions as a committee member.


Pande, P. (Principal), Lipsmeyer, L. L. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Performance-based funding (T&L) for a middle-school web-based science learning pilot study, and computer simulation design prototyping project", Southern Methodist University, $6,600.00, Funded. (October 2023 - May 31, 2024).

Pande, P. (Principal), Bing, E. G. (Supporting), Lipsmeyer, L. L. (Supporting), Schenck, K. (Supporting), Grant, "Performance-based funding (TEIL) for "eye-tracking for characterizing learning in terms of patterns of visual attention and perceptual navigation in technology-enhanced environments"", Southern Methodist University, $9,600.00, Funded. (October 2023 - May 31, 2024).

Schenck, K. (Co-Principal), Pande, P. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Performance-based funding for the "development of immersive VR simulations"", Southern Methodist University, $6,540.00, Funded. (October 2023 - May 2024).

Magdelena PandoMagdalena Pando, Associate Professor


Pando, M., Marlatt, R. (2024). Prompting the ChatBot: Presenting a teaching case using generative AI models in secondary education. In Clarice Moran (Ed.), Revolutionizing English Education: Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom. Lanham, MD: Rowan & Littlefield.

Publications submitted or under revision

Pando, M. ChatGPT in education: Equity-driven perspectives from bilingual teachers. Journal of Computing in Higher Education.

Aguirre-Muñoz, Z., Pando, M., Pantoya, M. "Engineering make science beder.": Developing ELs' science & engineering disciplinary literacy with targeted language tools. Elementary Science Journal.

Pando, M. Science and Language Education: English language learners engage in modeling, explanation and argumentation. Language and Education.

Professional Offices

American Educational Research Association: Bilingual Education Research SIG, Chairperson, Yes, elected, Pro Bono, International. (May 1, 2023 - April 30, 2024).
Facilitate monthly business meetings, oversee BER SIG working groups; plan AERA 2024 business meeting and facilitate, ensure officers and committee are fulfilling roles and responsibilities and offer support as needed.

American Educational Research Association: Bilingual Education Research SIG, Chairperson, Yes, elected, Pro Bono, International. (May 1, 2022 - April 30, 2023).
Organize Conference Proposals, assign for review, accept into sessions (based on reviews), request symposia, paper, poster sessions.


Pando, M. (Principal), Sponsored Research, "Performance-based Funding: Partnership with Middle School Bilingual Teacher", Simmons School of Education & Human Development, Southern Methodist University, $3,930.00, Funded. (September 2023 - May 2024).

Walkington, C. A. (Principal), Lipsmeyer, L. L. (Co-Principal), Pando, M. (Co-Principal), Sponsored Research, "Performance-based Funding: ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵResearch on Generative AI", Simmons School of Education & Human Development, Southern Methodist University, $4,400.00, Funded. (September 2023 - May 2024).

Pando, M. (Principal), Brady, C. (Co-Principal), Wieselmann, J. R. (Co-Principal), Sponsored Research, "Performance-based Funding: Teaching & Learning Network Series", Simmons School of Education & Human Development, Southern Methodist University, $7,290.00, Funded. (September 2023 - May 2024).

Pando, M. (Principal), Sponsored Research, "Science and Language Teaching Self-Efficacy Scale", University Research Council, Southern Methodist University, $10,000.00, Funded. (May 2023 - May 2024).

FerrellAAmy M. Richardson, Clinical Associate Professor


Cohen, J. (Principal), Wilhelm, A. G. (Co-Principal), Richardson, A. M. (Supporting), Grant, "Simulations in Teacher Education: Systematic Replication Research to Improve the Preparation of Teachers", Robertson Foundation, State, $50,000.00, Funded. (July 1, 2020 - May 30, 2023).


Kyle RobertsKyle Roberts, Research Associate Professor


Al Otaiba, S. (Principal), Roberts, K. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Project GROW", Institute for Education Sciences, Federal, $1,399,721.00, Funded. (July 2020 - June 2024).

Research pending (submitted)

Wieselmann, J. R., Dare, E. A. (Co-Principal), Roehrig, G. H. (Co-Principal), Roberts, K. (Supporting), Grant, "Equitable Participation in STEM (EPiSTEM): Epistemic Practices in Small Group Engineering Activities in Grades K-5", National Science Foundation, Federal, $1,836,431.00, Currently Under Review. (August 1, 2024 - Present).

Lipsmeyer, L. L. (Principal), Roberts, K. (Co-Principal), Grant, "CollaborativeResearch:DTI:Learning Semiconductors with AI and Friends", National Science Foundation, Federal, $414,802.00, Currently Under Review.

Kelsey SchenckKelsey E. Schenck, Assistant Professor

Awards and Honors

Capstone PhD Teaching Award, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Teaching, University. (March 1, 2023).
A competitive campus-wide award that recognizes TAs who have performed as outstanding teachers throughout their UW–Madison tenure.


Xia, F., Swart, M. I., Schenck, K., Nathan, M. J. (2023). ). Gestural replays support mathematical reasoning by simulating geometric transformations.. Montreal: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences-ICLS2023.

Fogel, A., Swart, M. I., Grondin, M., Xia, F., Schenck, K., Nathan, M. J. (2023). Scaffolding the conceptual salience of directed actions.. Montreal: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences-ICLS2023.

Swart, M. I., Schenck, K., Xia, F., Kim, D., Grondin, M., Nathan, M. J., Walkington, C. A. (2023). Embodying students’ geometric thinking in an interactive narrative game. [Paper Presentation]. Chicago, Illinois: American Educational Research Association Conference.

Editorial Activities

3rd International Workshop on Embodied Learning at ICCE, Reviewer, Conference Paper, No, neither, Pro Bono, International. (2023).
Reviewer for conference submissions

International Conference on Technology4Education, Reviewer, Conference Paper, No, neither, Pro Bono. (2023 - September 2023).
Reviewer for conference submissions

Preparing Future Faculty Program at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Faculty Mentor, approximately 15 hours spent for the year, No, neither, Pro Bono, National. (August 1, 2023 - December 16, 2023).
Faculty Mentor for a student (Kimia Akhavein (Psychology Ph.D. program)) in the program. Met throughout the Fall 2023 semester to provide mentoring and support on the dissertation and academic job market processes.


Pande, P. (Principal), Bing, E. G. (Supporting), Lipsmeyer, L. L. (Supporting), Schenck, K. (Supporting), Grant, "Performance-based funding (TEIL) for "eye-tracking for characterizing learning in terms of patterns of visual attention and perceptual navigation in technology-enhanced environments"", Southern Methodist University, $9,600.00, Funded. (October 2023 - May 31, 2024).

Schenck, K. (Co-Principal), Pande, P. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Performance-based funding for the "development of immersive VR simulations"", Southern Methodist University, $6,540.00, Funded. (October 2023 - May 2024).

Quentin-SedlacekQuentin C. Sedlacek, Assistant Professor


Villa III, A. M., Sedlacek, Q. C., Pope, H. (2023). I DiG STEM: A teacher professional development on equitable digital game-based learning. Education Sciences, 13(964), 1-23.

Sedlacek, Q. C., Amador, L., Beasley, E., Malech, K., Vigil, V., Haeger, H., Gray, C. V., Slown, C. D. (2023). Two stories to tell: Racial equity and the impact of different instructor adaptations to COVID-19. Online Learning, 27(3), 271-296.

Sedlacek, Q. C., Charity Hudley, A., Mallinson, C. (2023). Surveying the landscape of college teaching about African American Language. Linguistics & Education, 77.

Sedlacek, Q. C., Murdock-Perriera, L. A. (2023). Quantifying elementary teachers’ foreknowledge about their students. Social Psychology of Education, 26, 639-672.

Sedlacek, Q. C. (2023). Stealing from the language”: Interest convergence and teachers’ advocacy for language-inclusive practices. English Teaching: Practice & Critique, 22(1), 112-130.

Publications submitted or under revision

Sedlacek, Q. C., Friend, M., Villa III, A. M., Pérez, G., Dozier, S., Haeger, H., Lomelí, K., Mejia, J. A. How representation matters: Conceptualizing systemic racism to develop diversity research agendas for undergraduate STEM education. Educational Psychology Review.

Sedlacek, Q. C., Leon, M., Grey, I., McLarty, J., Neal, S., Neal, S. Developing pedagogical content knowledge for teaching about African American Language in college classrooms. Teachers College Record.

Leon, M., Lemmi, C., Sedlacek, Q. C., Ortiz, N., Feldman, K. Languaging-as-practice in science education: An alternative to metaphors of language-as-tool. Cultural Studies of Science Education.

Sedlacek, Q. C., Lemmi, C., Feldman, K., Ortiz, N., Leon, M. African American Language in science education: A translanguaging perspective. Journal of Resaerch in Science Teaching.

Editorial Activities

Journal of Science Teacher Education, Editorial Review Board Member, approximately 20 hours spent for the year, Yes, appointed, Pro Bono, International. (March 1, 2022 - December 31, 2024).
Completing approximately 4 reviews of JSTE manuscripts per year.

National Science Foundation, Reviewer, Grant Proposal, approximately 30 hours spent for the year, Yes, appointed, Compensated. (March 31, 2023 - April 14, 2023).


Sedlacek, Q. C. (Principal), Grant, "Science Teachers’ Experiences Learning about African American English (STELAAE)", Spencer Foundation, Private, $43,210.00, Funded. (June 1, 2021 - June 1, 2024).

Research pending (submitted)

Sedlacek, Q. C. (Principal), Dozier, S. (Co-Principal), Haeger, H. (Co-Principal), Mejia, J. A. (Co-Principal), Friend, M. (Co-Principal), Solis-Lemus, C. (Co-Principal), Pérez, G. (Co-Principal), Rodriguez, V. C. (Other), Lomelí, K. (Co-Principal), Villa, A. M. (Co-Principal), Grant, "ADVISE: Amplifying Diverse Voices In STEM Education", National Science Foundation, Federal, $2,475,552.00, Currently Under Review.

Sedlacek, Q. C. (Principal), Dozier, S. (Co-Principal), Haeger, H. (Co-Principal), Mejia, J. A. (Co-Principal), Friend, M. (Co-Principal), Solis-Lemus, C. (Co-Principal), Pérez, G. (Co-Principal), Rodriguez, V. C. (Co-Principal), Lomelí, K. (Co-Principal), Villa, A. M. (Co-Principal), Grant, "ADVISE: Amplifying Diverse Voices In STEM Education", William T. Grant Foundation, Private, $514,606.00, Currently Under Review.

Jeanna WieselmannJeanna R. Wieselmann, Assistant Professor


Sager, M. T., Wieselmann, J. R. (2023). Analyzing epistemic frames during STEM instructional coaching meetings: A quantitative ethnography approach. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education.

Wieselmann, J. R., Knight, S. L., Wright, A. (2023). Continuous improvement in STEM education: Collaboration among four partners to co-design an innovative and equitable STEM school. In E. A. Anderson & S. D. Hayes (Ed.), Continuous improvement: A leadership process for school improvement (pp. 41-56). Information Age Publishing.

Wieselmann, J. R., Sager, M. T. (2023). Remote instructional coaching during the COVID-19 pandemic: An exploration of coaching moves and teacher reflection. In R. M. Reardon & J. Leonard (Ed.), Current Perspectives on School/University/Community Research: School-University-Community Research in a (Post)COVID-19 World (pp. 155-180). Information Age Publishing.

Wieselmann, J. R., Dare, E. A., Roehrig, G. H., Ring-Whalen, E. A. (2023). Measurement instruments of  STEM affective learning: A systematic review. In R. Tierney, F. Rizvi, & K. Ercikan (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Education (4th ed.) (vol. 11, pp. 421-443).

Roehrig, G. H., Dare, E. A., Ring-Whalen, E. A., Wieselmann, J. R. (2023). STEM curriculum development and implementation. In R. Tierney, F. Rizvi, & K. Ercikan (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Education (4th ed.) (vol. 11, pp. 153-163).

Publications accepted

Menon, D., Wieselmann, J. R., Haines, S., Asim, S. (in press). Science & engineering teaching self-efficacy: Current gaps and future research directions. To appear in Journal of Science Teacher Education.

Publications submitted or under revision

Menon, D., Wieselmann, J. R., Haines, S., Asim, S., Koch, A., Cox, D. Preservice elementary teachers’ integrated STEM teaching self-efficacy: Contributing sources within STEM education courses.

Editorial Activities

Journal of Research in Science Teaching, Editorial Review Board Member. (2022 - 2025).

Journal of Science Teacher Education, Editorial Review Board Member, Pro Bono. (2019 - 2025).

Innovations in Science Teacher Education, Editorial Review Board Member, Pro Bono. (2018 - 2024).

Professional Offices

Association for Science Teacher Education, Committee Chair, Yes, elected, Pro Bono. (January 2021 - 2023).
Elections Committee Member (elected by full membership) - 2021-2023
Elections Committee Co-Chair (elected by committee) - 2021-2022
Elections Committee Chair (elected by committee) - 2022-2023


Wieselmann, J. R., Grant, "Collaborative Research: Research on Integrated STEM Efficacy (RISE): A Study of Elementary Preservice Teachers and Noyce Scholars", National Science Foundation, Federal, $552,999.00, Funded. (June 1, 2022 - May 31, 2027).

Pando, M. (Principal), Brady, C. (Co-Principal), Wieselmann, J. R. (Co-Principal), Sponsored Research, "Performance-based Funding: Teaching & Learning Network Series", Simmons School of Education & Human Development, Southern Methodist University, $7,290.00, Funded. (September 2023 - May 2024).

Research pending (submitted)

Wieselmann, J. R., Dare, E. A. (Co-Principal), Roehrig, G. H. (Co-Principal), Roberts, K. (Supporting), Grant, "Equitable Participation in STEM (EPiSTEM): Epistemic Practices in Small Group Engineering Activities in Grades K-5", National Science Foundation, Federal, $1,836,431.00, Currently Under Review. (August 1, 2024 - Present).