Caitie Dougherty, Ph.D.Caitie Dougherty


Ph.D., University of Colorado Boulder
M.A., University of Texas Austin
B.A., University of Maryland College Park

Research Interests

Caitie's research centers on language policy and planning (LPP) for linguistically marginalized students, focusing on bilingual education in middle school. She asks how programs organize and develop, how participants perceive, interpret, and implement LPP, and how language ideology and identity shape the process. Drawing on ecological and sociolinguistic theories she understands participants as policy agents, who shape and are shaped by the various contexts within which they operate, and policymaking as a discursive practice imbued with power.

Research Publications

Dissertation | A language policy ethnography of fifth graders and their families navigating the transition from a TWBE elementary school to middle school: A family affair | Chair: Dr. Deb Palmer

Dougherty, C., Aldana, S., Gilreath, M. & Palmer, D. (2022) Intentando incluir a todes: A first-grade team’s gender-inclusive pedagogies. In: L. Dorner, D. Palmer, D. Heiman, C. Cervantes-Soon & E. Crawford-Rossi, Eds. Critical Consciousness in Dual Language Bilingual Education: Case Studies on Policy and Practice. Routledge

Hamman-Ortiz, L., Dougherty, C., Tian, Z., Palmer, D., & Poza, L. (forthcoming) Translanguaging in U.S. PK-12 classrooms: A review of the research.


As an elective bilingual, returned Peace Corps volunteer, and former middle school teacher at a Dual Language school, she prioritizes collaboration with community stakeholders, teachers, students, and families in her scholarship to foster sustainable change in schools. By foregrounding linguistically marginalized students in her work, she aims to contribute to the creation of transformational, liberatory learning spaces.

Elizabeth M. McCollom, Ph.D.


Ph.D., School Psychology, University of Missouri
M.A., School Psychology, University of Missouri
B.S., Psychology, Loyola University New Orleans
B.A., Latin American Studies, Loyola University New Orleans

Research Interests

Lizzie's research interests include academic intervention and assessment, multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS), implementation science, consultation, coaching, and multilingual learners.

Representative Publications

Burns, M.K., Young, H., McCollom, E. M., Stevens, M. A., & Izumi, J. T. (2022). Predicting intervention effects with preintervention measures of decoding: evidence for a skill-by-treatment interaction with kindergarten and first-grade students. Learning Disability Quarterly, 1-11.

Burns, M. K., VanDerHeyden, A. M., Duesenberg-Marshall, M. D., Romero, M. E., Stevens, M. A., Izumi, J. T., & McCollom, E. M. (2022). Decision accuracy of commonly used dyslexia screeners among students who are potentially at-risk for reading difficulties. Learning Disability Quarterly, 1-11.

Burns, M. K., Duesenberg-Marshall, M. D., McCollom, E. M., McCree, N., & Abdelnaby, H. Z. (2022). Preteaching words to facilitate an instructional level in reading with a student with a specific learning disability in reading. Learning Disabilities: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 27(1).

Eklund, K., Kilgus, S. P., Izumi, J., DeMarchena, S. L., & McCollom, E. M. (2021). The resilience education program: examining the efficacy of a tier 2 internalizing intervention. Psychology in the Schools, 58(11), 2114-2129.

Burns, M. K., McCollom, E.M., & Kanive, R. (2020). Theories for reading, writing, and mathematics. In K. K. Kelly, C. Albers, & A. Garbacz (Eds.), Theoretical foundations of school psychology research and practice (1st ed., pp.). New York, NY: Routledge.


Professional Experience

Over the past 7 years, Lizzie has taken on various roles in the educational setting. From AmeriCorps literacy tutor to school psychologist, she has been involved in all tiers of support for academics, behavior, and social-emotional learning. Throughout her career, she has had the privilege of coaching both general and special education teachers, guiding them towards data-informed decisions best serve their preK-12 students.

Yanjun PanYanjun Pan, Ph.D.


Ph.D., Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies, Florida State University, 2019
M.S., Educational/Instructional Media Design, Florida State University
B.A., English Linguistics, Zhejiang University

Research Interests

Current research interests include game-based learning (GBL), immersive learning, multimodal learning analytics, educational data mining, and participatory learning experience design.  More specifically, interests include designing and researching comprehensive learning systems that use learning-oriented mechanics; design-based pedagogy; data-driven learning assessment; and adaptive learning support in PreK-20, particularly in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education (STEM).   Currently involved in an NSF-funded project: STEM+C.

Representative Publications

Dai, C-P, Ke, F., Pan, Y., & Liu, Y. (2023). Exploring students' learning support use in digital game-based math learning: A mixed-methods approach using machine learning and multi-cases study. Computers & Education. 194, 104698. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2022.104698 [SSCI, IF:11.182]

Pan, Y., & Ke, F. (2023). Effects of game-based learning supports on students' math performance and perceived game flow. Educational Technology Research and Development. 71, 459-479. doi: 10.1007/s11423-022-10183-z [SSCI, IF:5.580]

Pan, Y., Ke, F., & Dai, C-P. (2023). Patterns of using multimodal external representations in digital game-based learning. Journal of Educational Computing Research. 60(8), 1918-1941. doi: 10.1177/07356331221087771 [SSCI, IF:4.345]

Dai, C-P., Ke, F., & Pan, Y. (2022). Narrative-supported math problem solving in digital game-based learning. Educational Technology Research and Development. 70, 1261-1281. doi:10.1007/s11423-022-10129-5 [SSCI, IF:5.580]

Pan, Y., Ke, F., & Xu, X. (2022). A systematic review of the role of learning games in fostering mathematics education in K-12 settings. Educational Research Review. 36, 100448. doi: 10.1016/j.edurev.2022.100448 [SSCI, IF:10.207]


Professional Experience

Before coming to Ƶas a Post-Doc, worked as a graduate research assistant in a game-based learning project called E-Rebuild that included the design of conceptualization, prototyping, user testing, data gathering, and data analyzing.

Gozde SirganciGozde Sirganci, Ph.D.


Ph.D. focused on Educational Measurement and Evaluation, Ankara University, 2019
M.S., Educational Measurement and Evaluation, Izzet Baysal University
Bachelor's in Mathematic Education, Dokuz Eylul University

Research Interests

Advanced psychometric models, including mixture IRT and SEM and their applications in educational and behavioral sciences. Also keenly interested in differential item functioning analysis and measurement in variance for large-scale and small-scale assessments. Dissertation focused on an extended mixture item response model incorporating a covariate variable.

Representative Publications

Sırgancı G. & Çokluk Bökeoğlu, Ö. (2020). The Effect of Covariant Variable on Determination of Differential Item Functioning Using Mixture Rasch Model [Paper Session]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, Apr 17 - 21, CA

Sırgancı G., Uyumaz G. &, Yandı A. (2020). Measurement Invariance Testing with Alignment Method: Many Groups Comparison. International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education (IJATE). 2020, Vol. 7, No. 4, 657 - 673,

Çimke S., Yıldırım Gürkan Dilek, Sırgancı G. (2023). Determination of the psychometric properties of the digital addiction scale for children. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 71, 1-5., Doi:

Uyumaz G., Sırgancı G. (2021). Determining the Factors Affecting the Psychological Distance Between Categories in the Rating Scale. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 8(3), 178-190., Doi: 10.33200/ijcer.858599

Sırgancı, G. & Çakan, M. (2020). Detecting Differential Item Functioning by Using Sequential Logistic Regression and Poly-Sibtest Methods. The Journal of Education Faculty of Bolu Abant Ä°zzet Baysal University, 20 (1),705-717.


Professional Experience

Served as a research assistant in the Educational Measurement and Evaluation department at Ankara University during PhD. program. Served thereafter as an assistant professor in Educational Measurement and Evaluation at Bozok University.

Additional Information

Enjoys creating music and painting.

Dr. Mai ZaruDr. Mai Zaru


Ph.D. in Teaching & Learning with a focus on Immigrants, Southern Methodist University
M.Ed., in Reading Education, University of Florida


Zaru is a Palestinian postdoctoral researcher, educator, and poet, actively challenging the paradigm of the ‘Orient World’ (Said, 1978) through narratives and counter-narratives rooted in liberatory education. Her research harnesses qualitative methodologies to document refugee literacy practices, creating spaces for marginalized stories to flourish within the transformative dynamics of dialogue and translanguaging practices. Committed to advancing interdisciplinary discourse with and for immigrant families, she aims to drive qualitative methodologies that decisively decolonize literacy practices.

Representative Publications

Zaru, M.W. (under review). Graffiti as a Tool for Cultivating Cultural Understanding within our Diaspora: A Visual Ethnographic Case Study.

Vardy, E. J., Al Otaiba, S., Breadmore, H. L., Kung, S. H., Pétursdóttir, A. L., Zaru, M. W., & McMaster, K. L. (2022). Teacher–researcher partnership in the translation and implementing of PALS (Peer‐Assisted Learning Strategies): An international perspective. Journal of Research in Reading, 45(3), 517-526.

Al Otaiba, S., McMaster, K., Wanzek, J., & Zaru, M. W. (2022). What we know and need to know about literacy interventions for elementary students with reading difficulties and disabilities, including dyslexia. Reading Research Quarterly.

Kellems, R. O., Osborne, K., Rowe, D., Gabrielsen, T., Hansen, B., Sabey, C., Frazier, B., Simons, K., Jensen, M., Zaru, M.W., & Clive, M. (2020). Teaching conversation skills to adults with developmental disabilities using a video-based intervention package. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 53(1), 119 – 130. doi: 10.3233/JVR-201090

Kellems, R. O., Eichelberger, C., Cacciatore, G., Jensen, M., Frazier, B., Simons, K., & Zaru, M.W. (2020). Using video-based instruction via augmented reality to teach mathematics to middle school students with learning disabilities. Journal of learning disabilities, 53(4), 277-291.