Stephanie Knight

Leon Simmons Endowed Dean of the Annette Caldwell Simmons School of Education & Human Development & Professor

Simmons School Office of the Dean

Stephanie Knight


Ed.D., University of Houston


3101 University Blvd, Ste.247
Dallas, 75205
Box 382



Stephanie Knight is the Dean of the Simmons School of Education & Human Development at Southern Methodist University. Stephanie is a nationally recognized education leader, researcher and professor. Formerly the associate dean and professor of education in the College of Education at Pennsylvania State University, Stephanie assumed the role of Dean in August of 2017.

She began her education career as a classroom teacher of Spanish and French in Texas, Saudi Arabia and Pennsylvania. She received her doctorate in Curriculum and instruction at the University of Houston before beginning a 20-year tenure at Texas A&M University, where she was professor of educational psychology and teaching, learning and culture. In addition, she held the Houston Endowment, Inc. Chair in Urban Education at Texas A&M, received the University Distinguished Teaching Award and was named a University Faculty Fellow. Stephanie joined Pennsylvania State University in 2009 as professor of educational psychology, where she taught courses in educational psychology and effective learning. In 2013 she became associate dean at Penn State, leading the College of Education's undergraduate and graduate studies programs.

Her scholarly interests demonstrate a dedication to bringing the results of evidence-based research to the K-12 classroom. Her research into relationships between instructional strategies, classroom processes, learning environments and student outcomes; teacher professional development, and the use of observational techniques to study classroom processes has been published in hundreds of professional journal articles, book chapters and books and presented at numerous professional conferences.

In addition, Stephanie has directed university and national research centers, including serving as associate director of research into practice for the National Science Foundation Information Technology in Science Center for Teaching and Learning and director of evaluation and assessment for the National Center for Science and Civic Engagement in Washington, D.C. She recently concluded five years as co-editor of the Journal of Teacher Education and also served from 2004 to 2006 as co-editor of the Teaching, Learning and Human Development section of the American Educational Research Journal. She currently serves as associate editor of the Review of Educational Research.


Books and Monographs

*Schielack, J., & Knight, S. (2012). The new science education leadership: An information technology-based learning ecology model. New York: Teachers College Press.

Wiseman, D., Knight, S., and Cooner (2005). Becoming a teacher in a field- based setting: An introduction to education and classrooms. (3rd edition). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Wiseman, D., Knight, S., and Cooner, D. (2002). Becoming a teacher in a field- based setting: An introduction to education and classrooms (2nd edition). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Wiseman, D., & Knight, S. (Eds.) (2003). Linking school university collaboration and K-12 student outcomes. Washington DC: American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education

Wiseman, D., Cooner, D., & Knight, S. (1998). Field-Based Teacher Education. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Knight, S., & DeLeon, N. (Eds.) (1996). The Texas School University Research Collaborative: Proceedings of the 1995 forum. College Station: Texas A&M University.

Knight, S., & DeLeon, N. (Eds.) (1995). The Texas School University Research Collaborative: Proceedings of the 1994 forum. College Station: Texas A&M University.

Waxman, H.C., Knight, S.L., & Padron, Y.N. (1988). Teaching strategies that promote higher-level thinking skills for at-risk learners. La Marque Texas: Consortium for the Advancement of Professional Excellence. Freiberg, H.J., Driscoll, A., & Knight, S.L. (1987). School Climate. Bloomington, IN: Center for Evaluation, Development, and Research.


*Murphy, K., & Knight, S. (In press). A century of advancements in the science of learning. Review of Research in Education, 2016 Centennial Volume. American Educational Research Association.

Knight, S., & Duschl, R. (2015). Current trends in the framing of teacher qualities. In G. LeTendre & A. Wiseman (Eds.), Promoting and Sustaining a Quality Teaching Workforce: Conflict, Convergence and Consensus. UK: Emerald Group Publishing.

Knight, S. (In press). Advancing research, practice, and policy in teacher education. In H. Waxman, B. Alford, D. Brown, & K. Rollins, Preparing Teachers to Implement College and Career Readiness Standards: Integrating Research, Policy, and Practice. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

*Knight, S. (2012). Evaluation of teacher quality. In C. Secolsky (Ed.), Handbook on measurement, assessment, and evaluation in higher education (pp. 584- 592). New York: Routledge.

*Knight, S., Ikhlef, A., Parker, D., Joshi, R. M., Eslami, Z., Sadiq, H., Al-Ahraf, M.,Al Saai, A. (2012). Investigation of math and science teaching and learning in Qatari independent elementary schools. In C. Gitsaki (ed.), Teaching and learning in the Arab world (pp. 249-274). New York: Peter Lang Publishers.

Knight, S., Stuessy, C., & Hobson, M. (2012). Creating Synergy through participant research. In J. Schielack, & S. Knight (Eds.), The new science education leadership: An information technology-based learning ecology model. New York: Teachers College Press.

Loving, C., Schielack, J., Knight, S., & Stuessy, C. Creating synergy through a shared research agenda (2012).. In J. Schielack and S. Knight (eds.), The new science education leadership: An information technology-based learning ecology model. New York: Teachers College Press.

Stuessy, C., & Knight, S. (2012). Creating synergy through integrated professional development. In J. Schielack and S. Knight (eds.), The new science education leadership: An information technology-based learning ecology model. New York: Teachers College Press.

Stuessy, C., Knight, S., & Schielack, J. (2012). Initiating and sustaining a learning ecology to produce 21st century science education leaders. In J. Schielack and S. Knight (eds.), The new science education leadership: An information technology-based learning ecology model. New York: Teachers College Press.

Wu, X., Griffing, L., Herbert, B., Simanek, E., & Knight, S. (2012). Bridging current science and classrooms: The science learning community perspective. In J. Schielack, & S. Knight (Eds.), The new science education leadership: An information technology-based learning ecology model. New York: Teachers College Press.

Rackley, R. & Knight, S. (2010). Understanding development in children in grades EC through 6. In J. Nath & M. Cohen, (eds.), Becoming an EC-6 teacher in Texas: A course of study for the Pedagogy and Professional Responsibility (PPR) Texes (pp. 4-42). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Knight, S., & Stallings, J. (2007). The implementation of the Accelerated School Model in an Urban Elementary School. In R. Allington & S. Walmsley (Eds.), No quick fix: Rethinking Literacy Programs in America’s Elementary Schools: The RTI Edition. (pp. 236-251). New York: Teachers’ College Press.

Knight, S., & Wiseman, D. (2006). Lessons learned from a research synthesis on the effects of teachers’ professional development on culturally diverse students. In K. Téllez & H. C. Waxman (Eds.), Improving educator quality for English Language Learners: Research, policies, and practices (pp. 71-98). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Knight, S., & Kurz, T. (2005). Understanding human development. In C. Henry and J. Nath (eds.), Becoming a middle school or high school teacher in Texas (pp. 3-20). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. ISBN: 0534274250

Knight, S., & Smith, R. (2004). Development and use of a classroom observation instrument to investigate teaching for meaning in diverse classrooms. In Waxman, H., Tharp, R., &

Hilberg, R.(eds.), Observational research in U.S. classrooms. New York: Cambridge University Press. (ISBN: 05218 14537)

Knight, S., & Boudah, D. (2003). The impact of teachers’ participation in collaborative research on secondary students’ classroom behaviors and engagement. In Wiseman, D., & Knight,

S. (Eds), Linking school university collaboration and K-12 student outcomes (pp. 131-165). Washington DC: American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education.

Knight, S., & Wiseman, D. (2003). Making the case: Lessons learned from school-university partnership research. In Wiseman, D., & Knight, S. (Eds.) Linking school university collaboration and K-12 student outcomes (pp. 166-200). Washington DC: American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education.

Knight, S., & Rackley, R. (2003). Understanding human development. In C. Henry and J. Nath, 2nd Ed. (eds.), Becoming an EC-4 teacher in Texas (pp. 3-20). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. ISBN: 0534603009

Knight, S.L. (2000). Understanding human development. In C. Henry and J. Nath (eds.), Becoming a teacher in Texas. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

*Boudah, D. & Knight, S.L. (1999). Creating learning communities of research and practice: Participatory research and development. In D. Byrd, & J. McIntyre (Eds.), Research on professional development schools: Teacher education yearbook VII (pp. 97- 114). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Knight, S. & Stallings, J. (1998). Increasing the academic and social success of children, youth, and families: Case study of an alternative program. Multi-service schools: Integrated services for children and youth at risk (pp.99-114). The Netherlands: Garant Publishers.

Smith, R., & Knight, S. (1997). Collaborative inquiry: Teacher leadership in the practice of creative intelligence. In R. Sinclair, & W. Ghory (Eds.), Reaching and teaching all children (pp. 39-60). New York: Corwin Press.

Knight, S., & Stallings, J.A. (1996). Implementation and evaluation of the Accelerated School Model: A case study. In R. Allington & S. Walmsley (Eds.). Programs that work (pp. 236-252). New York: Teachers' College Press.

*Stallings, J.A., Wiseman, D., & Knight, S. (1995). Professional development schools: A new generation of school-university partnerships. In H. Petrie (Ed.), Professionalism, partnership, and power: Building professional development schools (pp. 133-144) New York: Teachers College Press.

Stallings, J.A., Knight, S., & Wiseman, D. (1994). Laboratory and professional development schools. In L. Anderson (Ed.). International Encyclopedia of Education (2nd. Ed.) (pp. 5313-5318). Oxford: Pergamon Press.

Knight, S., & Georgiades, W. (1993). De leerkracht alsonderzoeker: een samenwerkingsvergband tussen scholen en de Universiteit van Houston (USA). In A.F.C. van Veen & C.M. van Rijswijk (Eds.), De proef op de som: Kwaliteitsverbeteringsprojecten in pedagogische werkvelden (pp. 67-79). Garant: Leuven/Apeldoorn.

*Knight, S.L. (1992). Differences among black and Hispanic students' perceptions of their classroom learning environment in social studies. In H.C. Waxman, & C. D. Ellett, The study of learning environments, Volume 5 (pp. 101-107). Houston: Special Interest Group for the Study of Learning Environments.

Knight, S.L., & Waxman, H.C. (1991). Students' cognitions and classroom instruction. In H.C. Waxman & H. Walberg (Eds.), Contemporary approaches to research on teaching (pp.239-256). Chicago: National Society for the Study on Education and McCutchan Publishing.

Waxman, H.C., Padron, Y.P., & Knight, S.L. (1991). Risks associated with limited cognitive mastery. In M. Wang, M. Reynolds, & H. Walberg (Eds.), Handbook of special education: Research and practice. New York: Pergamon.

Freiberg, H., & Knight, S. (1991). Teacher career ladders and school climate. In S. Conley (Ed.), The teacher work environment as a focus of school-based change(pp 203-220). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

*Knight, S.L. (1990). The relation between the classroom learning environment and students' cognitive reading strategies. In H.C. Waxman & C. Ellett (Eds.), The study of learning environments (Volume 4, pp. 40-47). Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University.

*Waxman, H.C., Knight, S.L., & Owens, E.W. (1990). The relation between the classroom learning environment and students' problem-solving strategies in mathematics. In H. Waxman & C. Ellett (Eds.), The study of learning environments (Volume 4, pp. 94- 103). Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University.

*Padron, Y.N., & Knight, S.L. (1990). Linguistic and cultural influences on classroom instruction. In P.Baptiste, H.Waxman, J. Anderson, & J.Walker de Felix, (Eds.), Leadership, equity, and school effectiveness (pp. 173-185). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Knight, S. (1989). Investigating the relationship between classroom instruction and students' cognitive strategies. In L. Barber (Ed.), Phi Delta Kappa Outstanding Dissertation Awards (pp. 21- 27). Bloomington, IN: Center for Evaluation, Development, and Research.

Waxman, H., Freiberg, H., Clift, R., Houston, W., & Knight, S. (1989).

Concerns, motivations, and concepts of teaching by prospective teachers at two points in their program. In J. Denton & D. Armstrong (Eds.), Shaping policy in teacher education through program evaluation (pp. 13-20). College Station, TX: Instructional Research Laboratory, Texas A&M University.

Knight, S. (1988). The implications of cognitive strategy research for teaching. In H.C. Waxman, S.L. Knight, and Y.N. Padron (Eds.), Teaching strategies that promote higher-level thinking skills for at-risk learners (pp. 34-36). La Marque TX: Consortium for the Advancement of Professional Excellence.

Knight, S., & Padron, Y. (1988). Teaching cognitive reading strategies to at-risk students. In H.C. Waxman, S.L. Knight, & Y.N. Padron (Eds.), Teaching strategies that promote higher-level thinking skills for at-risk learners (pp. 8-17). LaMarque Texas: Consortium for the Advancement of Professional Excellence.

Waxman, H. & Knight, S. (1988). Higher-level thinking instruction for at-risk learners: Problems, programs, and promises. In H. Waxman, S.Knight, & Y. Padron (Eds.), Teaching strategies that promote higher-level thinking skills for at-risk learners (pp. 3-7). LaMarque Texas: Consortium for the Advancement of Professional Excellence.

Knight, S. (1987). School climate: A review of recent literature. In H. Freiberg,Driscoll, & S. Knight (Eds.), Hot Topics Series: School Climate. Bloomington, IN: Center for Evaluation, Development, and Research.

Journal Articles

*Zimmerman, W., Knight, S., Ikhlef, Atman, & Favre, D. (2016). Effect of professional development on teaching behaviors and efficacy in Qatari educational reforms. Teacher Development. .

*Favre, D. E., & Knight, S. (in press). Teacher efficacy calibration in education reform: When highly efficacious teachers don't spell "implement". International Journal of Educational Reform.

*Palmer, D. J., Lynch, P. S., Parker, D., Viruru, R., Knight, S., Waxman, H., Alford, B., Brown, D. B., Rollins, K., Stillisano, J., Sadiq, H. M., Abu-Tineh, A. M. H., Nasser, R., Allen, N., Al-Binali, H., Ellili, M., Al-kateeb, H., Al-kubaisi, H. (2016). A classroom observational study of Qatari independent schools: Instruction and school reform. Journal of Educational Research. DOI:10.1080/00220671.2014.979908

*Webb A., Knight S., Wu X., & Schielack, J. (2014). Teaching science with web- based inquiry projects: An exploratory investigation. International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments 5(2), 57-68.

*Knight, S., Parker, D., Zimmerman, W., & Ikhlef, A. (2014). Investigating the Relationship Between Perceived and Observed Student-Centered Learning Environments in Qatari Elementary Math and Science Classrooms. Learning Environments Research Journal, 17(1), 29-47.

Knight, S., Lloyd, G., Arbaugh, F., Edmondson, J., Nolan, J., McDonald, S., & Whitney, A. (2012). Getting our own house in order: From brick makers to builders. Journal of Teacher Education 63(1), 5-9.

Knight, S., Lloyd, G., Arbaugh, F., Edmondson, J., Nolan, J., McDonald, S., & Whitney, A. (2012). Adding to the knowledge base. Journal of Teacher Education 63 (2), 85-87.

Knight, S.,Lloyd, G., Arbaugh, F.,Edmondson, J., Nolan, J., McDonald, S., & Whitney, A. (2011). Incoming editor’s statement and overview of articles. Journal of Teacher Education 62(5), 1-2.

*Knight, D., Mappen, P., & Knight, S. (2011). A review of the literature on increasing the representation of women undergraduates in STEM disciplines through civic engagement pedagogies. Science Education and Civic Engagement 3(1), 36-47.

*Simmons, M., Wu, X.B., Knight, S., & Lopez, R. (2008). Assessing the influence of field- and GIS-based inquiry on student attitude and conceptual knowledge in an undergraduate ecology laboratory. Cell Biology Education – Life Sciences Education 7, 338-345.

*Thompson, B., & Knight, S. (2006). Determining the Food Irradiation Beliefs of Community Nutrition Educators: Do Beliefs Influence Educational Outreach? Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 38(1), 50-55.

*Thompson, B., & Knight, S. (2005). The impact of a multi-component professional development training on the beliefs and behaviors of community health educators regarding food irradiation. Health Education & Behavior, 32 (6).

*Knight, S., & Wiseman, D. (2005). Professional Development for teachers of diverse students: A summary of the research. Journal of Education for Students Placed At Risk, 10(4), 387-405.

Knight, S. (2004). Improving teaching and learning in urban schools. Journal of Public Management and Social Policy. 10(1), 23-37.

Knight, S., & Wiseman, D. (2004). Lessons learned from a research synthesis on the effects of teachers’ professional development on culturally diverse students. The LSS Review, 3 (1), 12-14.

*Knight, S., & Erlandson, D. (2003). Harnessing complexity: A framework for analyzing school reform. Planning and Changing, 34 (3 & 4), 178-196.

*Kurz, T., and Knight, S. (2004). An exploration of the relationship among teacher efficacy, collective teacher efficacy, and goal consensus. Learning Environments Research, 7(2), 111-128.

*Knight, S., Pedersen, S., & Peterson, W. (2003). Connecting the university with a professional development school: Pre-service teachers’ attitudes toward the use of compressed video. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 12 (1), 139-154.

*Knight, S., Wiseman, D., & Cooner, D. (2000). Using collaborative teacher research to determine the impact of professional development school activities on elementary students' math and writing outcomes. Journal of Teacher Education, 51(1).

*Boudah, D.J., Knight, S.L., Kostohryz, C., Welch, N., Laughter, D. & Branch, R. (2000). Collaborative research in inclusive classrooms: An investigation with reflection by teachers and researchers. Teacher Education and Special Education, 239(3), 241-252.

*Knight, S.L., & Kneese, C. (1999). Examining student perceptions in four instructional programs for students at risk. Teaching and Change,7(1),17-32.

*Knight, S., DeLeon, N., & Smith, R. (1999). Using multiple data sources to evaluate an alternative scheduling model. High School Journal,83(1), 1-13.

*Kneese, C., & Knight, S. (1995). Evaluating the achievement of at-risk students in year-round education. Planning and Changing, 26 (1-11).

*Waxman, H., Walker de Felix, J., Martinez, A., Knight, S., & Padron, Y. (1994).Effects of implementing classroom instructional models on English language learners’ affective and cognitive outcomes. Bilingual Research Journal, 18(3&4), 1-22.

*Knight, S.L. (1991). The effects of students' perceptions of learning environment on students' motivation. Journal of Classroom Interaction, 26 (2), 19-24.

*Knight, S.L. & Waxman, H.C. (1990). Investigating the effects of the classroom learning environment on students' motivation in social studies. Journal of Social Studies Research, 14 (1), 1-12.

*Alexander, P.A., & Knight, S.L. (1993). Dimensions of the interplay between teaching and learning. The Educational Forum, 57 (3), 232-245.

*McBride, R., & Knight, S.L. (1993). Identifying teacher behaviors during critical thinking tasks. The Clearing House, 66 (6), 374-378.

*Knight, S.L., Wiseman, D., & Smith, C.W. (1992). The reflectivity-activity dilemma in school-university partnerships. Journal of Teacher Education, 43, (4), 269- 277.

*Ferrera, M.M., Knights, S.L., & Sanchez, C. (1992). The accelerated school and Hispanic parent involvement. Texas Study of Secondary Education, 21-24.

*Knight, S.L. (1992). Relation between elementary students' perceptions of teacher behaviors and reading strategy. Journal of Educational Research, 85 (6), 327-338.

Knight, S.L. (1992). Site-based management: What can we expect? Texas Educational Policy Research Report, 1 (2).

*Knight, S.L., Waxman, H.C., & Owens, E. (1991). Comparing the classroom learning environments of traditionally and alternatively certified teachers. Action in Teacher Education, 13(4), 29-34.

*Knight, S.L., & Waxman, H.C. (1990). Analyzing effective teaching of Hispanic students' problem-solving strategies in science. In L. Malave (Ed.), National Association of Bilingual Education Annual.(pp. 123-137). Fall River, MA: National Dissemination Center.

*Knight, S.L. (1990). The effects of cognitive strategy instruction on elementary students' reading outcomes. In S. McCormick & J. Zutell (Eds.), National Reading Conference Yearbook (Volume 38, pp. 241-251). Chicago: National Reading Conference.

*Knight, S.L., Waxman, H.C., & Sterchy, S., Y.N. (1990). Effects of the classroom learning environment on high school students’ motivation. Southwest Journal of Educational Research, (3), 28-34.

*Knight, S.L., Waxman, H.C., & Padron, Y.N. (1989). Examining the relationship between classroom instruction and elementary students' cognitive strategies in social studies. Journal of Educational Research, 82(5), 270-276.

*Knight, S.L., & Waxman, H.C. (1989-1990). Effective teaching of critical thinking skills. National Forum of Applied Educational Research, 2(1), 45-53.

Knight, S.L. (1989). Teaching critical thinking skills effectively. Phi Delta Kappa Newsletter Editor's Kit. Bloomington, IN: Center for Evaluation, Development, and Research.

*Knight, S.L. Freiberg, H.J., & Waxman, H.C. (1988). Teachers' perceptions of research dissemination practices. Record in Educational Administration and Supervision, 9(1), 8-10.

*Freiberg, H.J., & Knight, S.L. (1988). A longitudinal study of the effects of incentive programs on school climate in one district. Teacher Education and Practice, 5(1), 17-24.

*Waxman, H.C., Rodriguez, J., Padron, Y.N., & Knight, S.L. (1988). The use of systematic classroom observations during field experience components of teacher education programs. College Student Journal, 22, 199-202.

*Knight, S.L., Waxman, H.C., & Padron, Y.N. (1987). Investigating Hispanic students' cognitive strategies in social studies. Journal of Social Studies Research, 11, 15-19.

*Knight, S.L. & Waxman, H.C. (1987). Investigating the influence of teacher behaviors on the development of students' critical thinking skills. Southwest Journal of Educational Research Into Practice, 1, 24-29.

*Waxman, H.C., & Knight, S.L. (1987). Applying research on higher-level thinking to classroom instruction: Students' perceptions of cognitive strategy instruction in mathematics. Southwest Journal of Educational Research Into Practice, 1, 40-43.

Waxman, H.C., & Knight, S.L. (1987). Investigating successful and less successful students' cognitive learning strategies in social studies. Social Science Perspectives Journal, 2, 131-139.

*Knight, S.L., Waxman, H.C., & Impastato, D. (1987). Hispanic students, cognitive strategies in social studies. Journal of Educational Equity and Leadership, 7, 181-183.

*Knight, S.L. & Padron, Y.N. (1986). Investigating gender differences in the use of cognitive reading strategies. Journal of Educational Equity and Leadership, 6, 340- 341.

*Padron, Y.N., Knight, S.L., & Waxman, H.C. (1986). Analyzing bilingual and monolingual students' perceptions of their reading strategies. The Reading Teacher, 39, 430-433.

Knight, S.L. (1985). Overlap: A selected review of recent literature. Journal of Classroom Interaction, 21 (1), 12-14.

*Knight, S.L., Padron, Y.N., & Waxman, H.C. (1985). The cognitive reading strategies of ESL students. TESOL Quarterly, 19, 789-791.

*Padron, Y.N., Knight, S.L., & Waxman, H.C. (1985). A comparison of bilingual and monolingual students' reading comprehension strategies. Journal of Educational Equity and Leadership, 5, 270-272.

Funded Proposals

Knight, S. (2010-2013). Virtual Ecological Inquiry. PI Sub award from TAMU Co-PI TAMU Grant with Dr. Ben Wu. Funded $250,000 ($65,000 Sub Award) for three years.

Knight, S., & Ikhlef, Athman (2007 - 2010). Investigation and Impact of Education for a New Era Classroom and School Processes on Student Outcomes. Research grant proposal submitted to The Qatar National Research Fund, Qatar Foundation, Doha, Qatar. Funded $750,000 for three years.

Knight, S. (2007, March). What Works in Texas Schools: Identifying Best Practices. Proposal submitted as lead study of the State of Texas Education Research Center (ERC) proposal submitted to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and the Texas Education Agency. ERC funded $1 million for one year.

Knight, S. (2004-2006). Evaluator, $125,000. Writing for Assessment and Learning in the Natural and Mathematical Sciences. National Science Foundation, Non- CEHD PI Nancy Simpson four-year project totaling $481,850

Knight, S.L. (2001-2009). Endowed Chair in Urban Education. Houston Endowment, Inc. ($75,000 per year).

Knight, S.L. (2001-2003). Research synthesis for Professional Development for Diversity. Center for Research on Excellence and Diversity in Education. (Funded $50,000 over two years.)

Knight, S.L. (2001-2005). Evaluation of Partnership for Quality Education. University of Houston. (Funded $100,000 over five years.)

Hughes, J., & Knight,. S. (2001-2005). Preparing teachers to foster children's social and emotional competencies. Hogg Foundation. (Funded $275,435 over four years.)

Knight, S., Peters, W., & Gibson, C. (2001). Assessing the effectiveness of a collaboratively designed secondary teacher education program. Regent's Initiative Collaborative Grant. (Funded $20,000 for one year.)

Knight, S.L. (2000). Center for Collaborative Learning Communities. ($2,000,000 endowment by Houston Endowment for research, programs, and funding for students to work in Houston area schools).

Knight, S.L. (1999). Closing the urban gap: Interaction of reforms and the achievement of all students. Spencer Foundation. (Funded $50,000 for the planning year followed by submission of proposal for $500,000 grant over three years.)

Knight, S.L. (1998). Learning to teach in inner city schools. Houston Endowment. (Funded $150,000 over 3 years).

Knight, S.L. (1998). Teaching diverse populations. Southwestern Bell Foundation. (Funded $30,000).

Knight, S.L. (1996, January). Texas School University Research Collaborative Network. Texas A&M University System. (Funded $50, 000 by the Chancellor's Office).

Boudah, D. (Co-Principal Investigator) & Knight, S.L. (Co-Principal Investigator)(1995, June). Beyond bridging the gap: Creating learning communities of research and practice. (Grant No. H023G50045). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. (Funded $500,000 over 3 years – Continuation funded for $113,082 from September 1998 through August 1999).

Knight, S. Anonymous Bequest. ($40,000).

Stuessy, C. (Principal Investigator), Alexander, P., & Knight, S. (1992-1995) Teachers as research partners: Teaching a problem-solving curriculum model that integrates mathematics and science. National Science Foundation. (Funded multi-year, approximately $1.055,320).

Knight, S.L. (1991-93). School-University Research Collaborative. Funded by school district and business contributions.($50,000 per year with university matching contribution).

Georgiades, W.D.H, & Knight, S.L. (1992-93). A proposal to implement computer environments to enhance the problem solving of at risk students. Funded by IBM Corporation ($60,000).

Technical Reports

Hughes, J., & Knight, S. (2005, August). Preparing teachers to foster children’s social and emotional competencies progress report. Submitted to the Hogg Foundation.

Hughes, J., & Knight, S. (2004, August). Preparing teachers to foster children’s social and emotional competencies progress report. Submitted to the Hogg Foundation.

Durbin, S.B., & Knight, S.L. (2002, August). Peer Mediation Program Evaluation. Submitted to Innovative Alternatives, Inc.

Durbin, S.B., & Knight, S.L. (2001, August). Peer Mediation Program Evaluation. Submitted to Innovative Alternatives, Inc.

Knight, S.L. (2001). Evaluation of the Partnership for Quality Education.Submitted to University of Houston.

Knight, S.L. (2000, September). Closing the urban gap: Interaction of reforms and the achievement of all students. Submitted to the Spencer Foundation

Knight, S.L , & Boudah, D. (1999, October). Office of Special Education Programs Participatory Research and Development Report. Final report submitted to the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs.

Kurz, T., & Knight, S. (1999, August). Peer Mediation Program Evaluation.Submitted to Innovative Alternatives, Inc.

Knight, S.L. (1999, June). Summary of travel to Beijing, China. Submitted to the International Research Travel Assistance Committee.

Knight, S.L. (1999, June). Final report on travel to Beijing, China. Submitted to the College of Education International Programs Enhancement and Coordination Committee

Knight, S.L. (1999, January). Learning to Teach in Inner-City Schools Evaluation. Submitted to Houston Endowment.

Boudah, D. & Knight, S.L. (1999). Office of Special Education Programs Fiscal Year 1997-98 Grant Performance Report for Continuation Funding. Annual report submitted to the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs.

Knight, S., & Woods, B. (1998, June). Connections: Proficiency Through Meaning 1997-1998 Evaluation Report. Submitted to Spring ISD.

Knight, S.L. (1998, May). Synthesis of Mini-grant Reports. Submitted to Southwestern Bell Foundation.

Boudah, D. & Knight, S. (1998). Beyond bridging the gap between research and practice: Participatory research and development. Monograph prepared for ERIC/OSEP Digest, Eric Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education, Council for Exceptional Children.

Knight, S.L. (1998, May). Evaluation of the St. Louis Metropolitan Area Professional Development School Collaborative. Submitted to the Danforth Foundation.

Knight, S. (1998, July). Peer Mediation Program Evaluation. Submitted to Innovative Alternatives, Inc.

Boudah, D. & Knight, S. (1998). Office of Special Education Programs Fiscal Year 1997 Grant Performance Report for Continuation Funding. Annual report submitted to the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs.

Knight, S.L. (1997, May). Evaluation of the St. Louis Metropolitan Area Professional Development School Collaborative. Submitted to the Danforth Foundation.

Knight, S., & Ackermann, C. (1997, June). Connections: Proficiency Through Meaning 1997-1998 Evaluation Report. Submitted to Spring ISD.

Knight, S.L. (1996, May). Evaluation of four national sites in the Danforth School Leaders Program. St. Louis: Danforth Foundation.

Knight, S.L. (1996, May). Evaluation of the St. Louis Metropolitan Area Professional Development School Collaborative. St. Louis: Danforth Foundation.

Knight, S.L., and Boudah, D. (1996). Bridging the gap: Processes, outcomes and issues in participatory research and development: Year One Report. Washington, DC: Office of Special Education Programs.

Knight, S., & Stallings, J. (1994, December). Evaluation Work Group Report from the Working Conference on School-Linked Comprehensive Services for Children and Families. Washington, DC: OERI.

Knight, S.L. (1992). The University of Houston School-University Research Collaborative At Risk Study: Results of Phase I. Houston: University of Houston School/University Research Collaborative.

Knight, S.L. (1993). Results of the Spring ISD Average Student Study. Houston: University of Houston School/University Research Collaborative.

Knight, S.L., & Waxman, H.C. (1988, February). Evaluation of Fall 1986 Phase I & Phase II students' responses from the Teacher Education Questionnaire (Tech.Report No. 113). Houston: Educational Research Center.

Waxman, H.C., Ebner, K., Knight, S.L., & Duschl, R. (1987, November).Evaluation of Spring 1986 students' responses from the Teacher Education Questionnaire (Tech. Report No. 112). Houston: Educational Research Center.

Waxman, H.C., Knight, S.L., Ebner, K., & Duschl, R. (1987, November). Evaluation of Spring 1986 student teachers' responses from the Teacher Education Questionnaire (Tech. Report No. 111). Houston: Educational Research Center.

Knight, S.L., & Waxman, H.C. (1987, May). Evaluation of 1986 graduate students' perception of College of Education graduate program. (Tech. Report No. 107). Houston: Educational Research Center.