Club History

The Mothers' Club of Southern Methodist University was organized March 24, 1926 at the request of ƵPresident Dr. Charles C. Selecman.  The Club's purpose was to assist in promoting the mental, physical, and spiritual life of the student body. It became a Federated organization in 1927. The membership in 1926-27 numbered 400 members, with 200 more signing up in 1927-1928.  Mrs. A.S. Lewis served as the first president.

The accomplishments of the club's first two years included the establishment of a student loan and scholarship fund which remains today as the ƵMothers' Club Endowed Scholarship Fund.  Other noteworthy items included: the planting of 550 rose bushes on campus as well as 36 pecan trees, some bulbs, and some evergreens in Mother's Lane; the sponsoring of very successful student events such as the Spring Athletic Carnival in honor of Mother's Day, a Thanksgiving Tea, a Senior Party, and a Calendar Tea to support the Student Loan Fund; and the purchasing of 40 band uniforms.

By 1930, the club had as its goal 1,000 members, which it achieved.  Committees in 1930 included the Good Cheer Committee, the Courtesy Committee and the Movie Censorship Committee.  A total of $600 was added to the Student Loan Fund.  By 1931, the Movie Censorship Committee was replaced with the Better Films Committee, 10 loans were being made each year, and the annual Mother's Day Processional held each Mother's Day at McFarlin Auditorium were the talk of the campus.  Annual teas and support for student events and activities continued.

In 1932, Life Memberships were introduced and awarded to donors of $25 or more.  Over $3,400 was extended to deserving students through the Loan and Scholarship Fund.  The club also continued as an active participant of the Dallas Federation of Women's Clubs.

By 1933, the ƵDad's Club was beginning to make a name for itself, similar to the reputation gained by the Mothers' Club over the years.  In honoring the Mothers' Club. the 1933 Rotunda wrote:

"These women have cheered and inspired struggling students.  They have planted a rose garden, and a lane of pecan trees in front of the girls' dormitories; given parties for the student body; added many volumes to the libraries of the YWCA and the YMCA; sick students have been visited and given aid; art has been fostered, and the Student Loan Fund has enabled many boys and girls to finish school."

ƵMothers' Club 1934
Figure: ƵMothers' Club - 1934

In 1935, tribute is paid to both the Mothers' and Dads' Clubs for their efforts in building walkways and even a bridge across campus, as well as supporting the championship basketball team with a banquet, and sponsoring a successful chapel program.  In 1936, the Mother's Club is credited with making the first donation to SMU's Million Dollar Campaign; they installed lighting for the fountain in the center of campus; and they provided a beautiful silver service for the girl's dormitories (numerous others would also be given to Ƶin future years). The multi-year campaign of the Dad's Club to "beautify the campus" continued with walkways, shrubbery, flowers, and lawns and the effectiveness of their hard work was noticed by everyone.

Laura Bush Plaza
Figure: Laura Bush Plaza where Mothers' and Dads' Clubs benches are located

For over 90 years, the mothers and fathers of Ƶstudents have been supporting efforts that benefit students and student experiences on the campus.  Each year, countless students receive scholarships from the endowed scholarship funds of both clubs.  Thanks to the efforts of the Mothers' and Dads' Club, benches in the Laura Bush Plaza honor outstanding faculty; Peruna Plaza pays tribute to Peruna's of the past; one of the reception rooms in the Hegi Center is named for the Mothers' Club; and the Dads' Club recently donated two badly needed scoreboards for the intramural field.  Previous donations have also supported among other things LeaderShape, StrengthsQuest, the James Caswell Leadership Endowment, the Dedman Center for Lifetime Sports, and Mustang Corral.

The Mothers' and Dads' Clubs have a distinguished record of support for the students of Southern Methodist University.  The support of all parents is important to the continuation of this mission.

For general club-related questions, please e-mail