Summer Research Intensive

Group of students with notebooks and laptops


The Summer Research Intensive program provides funding to faculty to support research and scholarly productivity. Our office matches funding to hire undergraduate research assistants and provides these students with specialized training in research methods, oral and written presentation techniques, and other professional development skills. 


From faculty:

“I was surprised how much progress was made during the summer. My student solved a lot of computational issues on his own.”


“[My students] were both excellent. [One] assumed a leadership role over certain logistical pieces of the project which was most valuable. [The other] participated extremely diligently and actually did more of the data work than any other project member. I look forward to working with both on future presentations and publications out of the data.”


From students:

“This project has reaffirmed my desires to pursue an MD/PhD. . . [and] has helped me to become more confident in my love for research.”


“It has made me question (in a good way) if I'd rather pursue criminal justice research over psychology research.”


Thank you to the Provost, ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵLibraries, Moody School, and the Engaged Learning Undergraduate Research Steering Team for their support.


 Information for faculty and students

OEL provides match funding

  • Faculty members may apply to fund up to two (2) SRAs
  • Up to $2000 is available for each SRA for the summer. Once this funding is exhausted, the faculty member is responsible for the student's full wage.
  • $15/hr is recommended. This will fund the student for 267 hours (about 9 weeks at 29 hours/week)

How do faculty apply?

  • Application will open on January 8 and close February 9—see timeline below
  • Faculty from all schools and all ranks are welcome to apply
  • Faculty will submit a brief application detailing their current research project(s), along with specific duties and objectives for the students
  • It is not required for students to be identified at the time of application. We will assist with advertising the opportunity if needed.
  • Students must be enrolled in classes for Spring 2024 and Fall 2024. They do not have to be enrolled during the summer.    

How will faculty be selected?

  • Faculty indicate funding source to be matched (e.g. grant, start-up funding, school/department, any matching funds) with a quality proposal 
  • Faculty/staff demonstrate how the SRI will be a meaningful, guided experience for students with a tangible outcome (e.g. abstract, IRB application, manuscript, conference presentation, or creative output)
  • Faculty are committed to summer SRI program values and expectations for their students (see below)


  • Proposal resonates with SMU's goals for excellence in research & scholarly/creative work
  • Proposals with clear objective and tangible outcome (see above)
  • Faculty who hire under-represented students, including those designated as first-generation or Federal Work Study

What are the program’s values and requirements for faculty?


Value for faculty

  • Funding match for students to assist with research
  • Provost recognition for developing future scholars
  • Training for student assistants by graduate students, ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵLibraries, and Office of Engaged Learning
  • Support for co-publishing; uninterrupted time for writing manuscripts and grant writing 

Faculty expectations

  • Mentor student research
  • Deliverable in the form of a manuscript, presentation, or grant submission
  • Completion of survey at end of summer

Undergraduate Research Assistants are accountable to the same policies from Research Compliance as the faculty. It is expected that these will be discussed with URAs as part of the mentoring process. Please be aware of these guidelines and discuss any concerns or questions that you have with your students.

HR Guidelines for hiring Student Workers

How do I apply?

Faculty apply to hire up to two students. Ask professors you know if they are planning to apply and have open spots. Watch our Instagram as well. We will be posting available positions there.


Value for students

  • Substantial time to gain experience in research
  • Hourly wage (average is $15/hr)
  • Training in research methods, oral and written presentation techniques, and other professional development skills.

Student expectations

  • Complete all professional work hours 
  • Attend and participate in weekly Summer Research Intensive, which includes faculty presentations and workshops  
  • Participate in culminating “Three Minute Thesis” presentation session (team projects accepted and  prizes will be awarded)
  • Complete a reflection survey
  • Optional (with Faculty Approval):

Undergraduate Research Assistants are accountable to the same policies from Research Compliance as the faculty. It is expected that these will be discussed with URAs as part of the mentoring process. Please be aware of these guidelines and discuss any concerns or questions that you have with your faculty mentor.

2024 Timeline (subject to minor adjustments)

  • January 8 – application opens
  • February 9 – applications due
  • March 1 – acceptances announced
  • May 18 – students may begin work
  • June 3 – SRI workshops begin
  • July 26 – SRI workshops end
  • Aug 9 – final work day
  • Aug 15 – student & faculty reflections due. Optional: nominations and reports for Summer Research Fellows due