EAC Bylaws

Southern Methodist University Education Abroad Council Bylaws

The Southern Methodist University Education Abroad Council (EAC) is a standing University committee that is appointed by, and reports to, the Office of the Provost.

A. Roles and Responsibilities of the Education Abroad Council

The Education Abroad Council will:

1. Support SMU’s mission to broaden global perspectives within the University’s academic and student life programs.

2. Review instructional methods, curriculum, and assessment for all undergraduate education abroad experiences offered by ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵfaculty and/or partner providers, recommending approval, revision, or discontinuation. See Appendix A for definitions of education abroad experiences.

3. Ensure that all courses are vetted and approved by ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵfaculty, whether taught by ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵfaculty, arranged through an approved provider, or delivered at a university abroad.

4. Review the University’s education abroad policies and procedures making recommendations when necessary.

5. Advise the Director of Education Abroad on academic and programmatic matters.

6. Advise on the curriculum, credit hours, and policies affecting ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵundergraduate education abroad programs. The relevant academic department or unit of the University shall attempt to resolve issues related to curriculum, credit hours, and academic matters at the course level including course equivalency. In the event that such issues cannot be resolved by the department or academic unit, the EAC may render a decision which is subject to appeal to the Provost (or their designate).

B. Membership

The Education Abroad Council shall consist of eight (8) voting members (including the Council Chair) and other non-voting members as designated by the Provost (or their designate).

7. Voting Members:

a. The eight voting members shall be selected from and represent the academic units as follows: one from each division of Dedman College (Humanities, Social Sciences, Sciences), one from each division of the Meadows School of the Arts (Performing/Fine Arts, Communication Arts), one from the Lyle School of Engineering, one from the Cox School of Business, and one from the Simmons School of Education and Human Development.

b. No more than four ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵAbroad compensated program participants may serve as voting members.

c. The EAC Chair, who is appointed by the Provost (or their designate) is one of the eight voting members and votes on behalf of their unit and division.

8. Eligibility for Membership: Voting membership by full professors or associate professors is preferred; however, assistant professors, senior lecturers, and lecturers are eligible to serve.

9. Terms of Office (Chair, and voting members).

a. The Chair shall serve for one three-year term, eligible for renewal to one additional three-year term except in circumstances where a longer term of service is mutually agreeable to the Chair and the Provost (or their designate).
b. Voting members shall serve for one three-year term, and are eligible for renewal to one additional three-year term. Terms should be staggered so that no more than one-half of the Council are newly appointed in any one year.

10. Nominations: The Chair of the Education Abroad Council shall notify the Dean of the College or School (or their designate) before the end of the preceding Spring term of any open positions from their unit for the upcoming academic year. Deans shall nominate replacements according to the membership structure of the council.

11. Mid-term Vacancies: Vacancies in the Council occurring before the conclusion of a council member’s term shall be filled by the appropriate College or School Dean (or their designate) in consultation with the Provost (or their designate) for the remainder of the academic year. For vacancy appointments made in the fall term, the academic year will count as the first year of that member’s three-year term. For vacancy appointments made in the spring term, the following academic year will be the first year of that member’s three-year term.

12. All members of the ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵAbroad Office shall serve as permanent ex-officio members of the EAC.

13. Other non-voting members: In addition to the eight voting members, the Council may include ex-officio members. Typically, these will include representation from, but not limited to, the following areas: Registrar, Bursar, Financial Aid, Office of Legal Affairs, Student Affairs, Office of Risk Management, General Education, University Advising Center, Lyle Advising, Cox Advising, Meadows Advising, Dedman Records, Simmons Advising, Honors, Office of National Fellowships, Office of Engaged Learning, Office of Institutional Planning and Effectiveness, and the Faculty Senate. These areas are listed as examples and not as a guarantee of membership on the council.

C. Meetings

14. All meeting minutes will be made available to the ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵcommunity.

15. A quorum consists of four of the eight voting members of the EAC. Votes can be made by proxy in writing or by email. In the event of a tie vote, the Provost (or their designate) shall cast the deciding vote.

16. Meetings are scheduled by the Director of Education Abroad in consultation with the Chair.

D. Appointment and Role of EAC Subcommittees

17. The Chair may appoint subcommittees to assist and provide recommendations to the EAC. The membership of an EAC subcommittee may include participants outside the EAC (voting and non-voting) as needed.

Appendix A: Process for certifying an education abroad experience

The Education Abroad Council will certify an education abroad experience based on the following criteria:

1) For academic, credit-bearing programs, either faculty-led or provider-supported, to count as a global experience, the entire program must be located outside of the United States. A student must be able to earn at least three credit hours on the program in either January or May, at least six credit hours during a summer session, and at least twelve credit hours during either a Fall or Spring semester. January or May term programs must include an immersive experience of eleven days or more consisting of at least one of the following: living locally in an abroad environment; studying at a local institution abroad; working in an office abroad, or staying with a host family. Summer programs must include at least four weeks of an immersive experience, and semester programs must involve at least a fifteen-week immersive experience.

2) For an abroad trip, linked to a Dallas-based course, the course must be at least three-credit hours, and the trip must be at least seven days in duration. Students must spend the entire seven days in an immersive experience as defined above. The trip must also directly relate to the content of the course.

3) For an SMU-sponsored non-credit bearing academic experience (such as a Richter-sponsored research trip, or an Engaged Learning project), students must experience at least eleven days in an immersive environment involving at least one of the following: living locally in an abroad environment; studying in a local institution abroad, working in an office abroad, or staying with a host family. 

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