Your Responsibilities

Working on a website is a collaborative process. Prior to our engagement, you must identify a coordinator who will provide time, energy, and leadership on behalf of your school or division throughout the website implementation.

Role of the coordinator:

  1. Represent marketing goals for your school or division as well as individual departments within the area
  2. Determine priorities, especially for individual departments
  3. Manage internal communications and expectations during migrations
  4. Provide website content or coordinate and approve appropriate content from internal constituents
  5. Edit website content or coordinate content edits within departments
  6. Provide timely feedback
  7. Serve as the final authority on approving designs
  8. Work closely with stakeholders

Ahead of our engagement

Prior to working on a migration, OIT may ask you to address certain items. These are usually to improve user experience, accessibility of your site, or make our migration work go more smoothly.

Broken links

We will provide you with a website scanner that identifies broken links. You will have the opportunity to fix broken links ahead of the migration.

OIT will not attempt to locate or fix preexisting broken links on your behalf. This includes links to documents as well as internal and external websites.


We will provide you with a website scanner that identifies key accessibility issues. You will be required to address certain issues before we migrate your content. For example:

  • Non-discernible links
  • Email addresses not visible when linked
  • Review of images missing alternate text
  • Removal and reformatting of content when tables have been used inappropriately

Custom code

If you have custom-coded elements on your site, you may be required to rebuild your content using OIT-supported features. This includes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript compatibility.x

During our engagement

We will create a project plan that outlines expectations for your website migration. Read more about our process.

After our engagement

Website maintenance

You will be responsible for editing content on your website.


Although our new templates are built with web accessibility in mind, you are responsible for ensuring content throughout your site adheres to .

Your site must adhere to SMU's web accessibility policy.

Training and Support Services

OIT provides regular in-person classes for Sitecore editors, on-demand webinars, and individual instruction.

We also regularly .