2021 End-of-Year Awards Honor Meadows Students and Faculty

Recipients selected for awards from the University and the Meadows School

Every spring, individual divisions of the Meadows School of the Arts select outstanding students for special awards recognizing their scholarship, creative talent and community involvement. Students also may be honored by their divisions by being selected to serve as a Reader or Marshal for Commencement.

In addition, seven Meadows faculty and students have been honored with special awards from the University for 2021, and the Meadows School announced the winner of its prestigious annual Meadows Distinguished Teaching Professorship, or “Golden Apple” award.

Winners of the ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵand Meadows School of the Arts departmental awards for 2021 are as follows:


Willie Baronet, the Stan Richards Professor in Creative Advertising, received the “M” Award, SMU’s most prestigious honor. It is presented each year to up to five faculty members and 10 students whose contributions to the University are “above and beyond the call of duty.” Baronet was also named Outstanding Faculty/Staff Volunteer of the year. Presented by SMU’s Office of Social Change and Intercultural Engagement, the volunteer award honors exemplary community service outside the University.

Randall Griffin, University Distinguished Professor in the Department of Art History, and Peter Kupfer, associate professor and chair of the Music Division’s Department of Musicology, are two of the six ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵfaculty members selected to receive the Tom Tunks Distinguished University Citizen Award. The award is given each year to individuals who have demonstrated outstanding citizenship dedicated to the University and its governance.


Blake Hackler, associate professor in the Division of Theatre, was one of three recipients of a Rotunda Outstanding Faculty Award, presented by the Rotunda yearbook.


Adam Herring, chair and Emily Rich Summers Endowed Professor in the Department of Art History, was named the winner of the Perrine Prize from the ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵchapter of Phi Beta Kappa. The award, named in honor of the late English professor and chapter founder Laurence Perrine, is presented annually to a member of SMU’s undergraduate faculty in liberal studies for excellence in scholarship and teaching.

Theatre major Alysia Giakoumas received the Outstanding Senior Woman Award from the ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵMothers’ Club.

Tyne Dickson, a double major in theatre and human rights, was among the six recipients of the John L. Freehafer Memorial Award, given by the University to a select few students every year who have demonstrated an interest in student life, activities and government and/or who have a special interest in how people govern themselves.


Stephanie Langin-Hooper, associate professor and Karl Kilinski II Endowed Chair of Hellenic Visual Culture, was named the 2021-22 Meadows Distinguished Teaching Professor. The annual award in the Meadows School recognizes sustained and outstanding teaching. In addition to a cash award, the honoree receives a sculpture by Deborah Ballard, a bronze apple that has given the award its nickname, the “Golden Apple” award.

(all graduating seniors unless otherwise noted)

Temerlin Advertising Institute

Outstanding Academic Achievement in Digital Media Strategy – Hannah Sung

Outstanding Academic Achievement in Creative Advertising – Sophie Vos

Outstanding Academic Achievement in Strategic Brand Management – Molly Mosby

Outstanding Graduate Student – Hillery Lemon

Outstanding Graphic Design Minor – Daniel Heard

Donald John Carty Leadership Award – Ankita Padarthy
The award and stipend are presented to a graduating student in recognition of leadership in the classroom, the Temerlin Advertising Institute, and beyond.

TAI Anchor Award – Anna Rose Corell
Given to a student who consistently “pulls more than his/her weight” in bringing projects to fruition.

TAI Optimizer Award – Abigail Norton
Given to a student who demonstrates a desire and aptitude to make work better through superior work strategies and iteration.

TAI Social Impact Award – Zainab Noshahi
Given to a student who exemplifies aspects of social responsibility in their advertising work and beyond.

TAI Resilience Award – Molly Mosby
Given to a student who deals effectively with project setbacks while maintaining a positive attitude and demonstrating a resolve to produce outstanding work.

TAI Service Award – Kathryn Chavez
Given to a student who renders substantial service to the campus at large as well as in the greater community.

TAI Team Player Award – Preston Riley
Given to a student in recognition of contributions to team projects and activities.

Face of TAI Award – Meredith Welborn
Given to a student who represents the best of what the Temerlin Advertising Institute is meant to be within Meadows, ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵand/or the advertising industry.

Kappa Tau Alpha Initiates
Undergraduate: Hannah Sung and Meredith Welborn
Graduate: Emma Flores
Kappa Tau Alpha is a college honor society that recognizes academic excellence and promotes scholarship in journalism and mass communication.

Marshal – Hannah Sung
Reader (graduate student) – Emma Flores
Reader (undergraduate student) – Meredith Welborn

TAI Faculty/Staff Awards:

TAI Scholar of the Year – Dr. Sidharth Muralidharan

TAI Research Fellow – Dr. Alice Kendrick

Adjunct Professor Extraordinaire – Marie Bos

Student Support Super Star – Dr. Mark Allen

Division of Art

The Larry Scholder Award in Printmaking – Claudia Nyugen

Mary Vernon Painting Prize – Frances Burrus
The Mary Vernon Painting Prize was established by donors in 2016 in honor of Vernon’s long, successful career as both an artist and professor at SMU. The award is presented annually to an art major with outstanding dedication to the craft of painting, as judged by faculty, and provides funds toward establishment of an art career.

Marshal – Frances Burrus

Reader – Taylor Knight

Department of Art History

Alessandra Comini Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Art History Major – Sophia Salinas

Outstanding Senior Award – Francesca Modoff

Marshal – Louise Doss

Reader – Sophia Salinas

Division of Arts Management and Arts Entrepreneurship
(Note: These students are receiving graduate degrees.)

Lanham Deal Internship Award – Madison Becker
This award recognizes and assists outstanding students in arts management. The award was established in honor of Lanham Deal, a Meadows alumnus and prominent leader of music organizations in Dallas in the decades after World War II.

Diane and Hal Brierley Endowed Scholarship Fund – Julia Hosch
The Diane and Hal Brierley Endowed Scholarship Fund for the Meadows School of the Arts was established to support scholarships for Meadows students, with a preference for those who are engaged in study and research through the Brierley Institute for Customer Engagement at Cox School of Business.

Marshal – Anne Lenhart

Reader – Julia Hosch

Division of Corporate Communication and Public Affairs

Outstanding Academic Achievement – Olivia Cahill

Outstanding Student in Organizational Communication – Kennedy Eaker

Outstanding Student in Political Communication – Vanessa Larez and Lauren Lehner

Outstanding Student in Public Relations and Strategic Communication – Cassandra Ackemann

Outstanding Student in Social Innovation and Nonprofit Engagement – Briana Smith

Outstanding Senior in PRSSA Abba Yaney

CCPA Fellows – Avery Cooper, Charlotte Friend, Caroline Kester, Kate McLeod, Lauren Montgomery and Abba Yaney

Kappa Tau Alpha Initiates – Olivia Cahill, Kennedy Eaker and Vanessa Larez
Kappa Tau Alpha is a college honor society that recognizes academic excellence and promotes scholarship in journalism and mass communication.

Marshal – Zac Scornavacco

Reader – Logan McElroy

Division of Dance

Outstanding Achievement in Dance – Adele Carlson, Katie Hopsicker and Natasha Schmid

Marshal – Ximena Emiliani

Reader – Caroline Waters

Division of Film and Media Arts

Outstanding Scholarly Achievement – Stone French

Outstanding Creative Achievement in Film/Media Production – Erica Smoot

Outstanding Achievement in Screenwriting for Film and Media Arts – Scotlin Alexandria Francis

Nash Parsley Memorial Award for Outstanding Creative Achievement – Everton Melo

Marshal – Scotlin Alexandria Francis

Reader – Stone French

Division of Journalism

Outstanding Achievement in Broadcast Journalism – Lauren Rangel

Outstanding Achievement in Digital Journalism – Sriya Reddy

Outstanding Achievement in Writing & Editing – Chisara Campbell

Outstanding Achievement in Fashion Media – Meredith Welborn

Kappa Tau Alpha Initiates – Chisara Campbell, Marcela De Almeida, Margaret Kelleher, Lauren Rangel, Kristen Romano and Hannah Sung
Kappa Tau Alpha is a college honor society that recognizes academic excellence and promotes scholarship in journalism and mass communication.

Marshal – Marcela De Almeida

Reader – Haley Mnick

Division of Music

Undergraduate Award for Excellence in Music – Jacob Timothy Hord

Pi Kappa Lambda Initiates
Joseph Demaree and Ethan Gurwitz (juniors), Nicholas Crothers, Stephanie Dodgen, Vivian Glick, Bethany Jelinek and Anna Zhu (seniors) and Jessica Daniel, Joseph Goodale, Julian Petrallia, Darren Rome, Allison Shutt, Emily Thompson, Kenneth Thompson, Jonathan Venezuela and Jasmine Williams (graduate students)
Pi Kappa Lambda is a national honorary music society; membership is based on artistic achievement, scholarly excellence and exemplary character.

Thomas Hayward Memorial Award – Bethany Jelinek (senior)
The Thomas Hayward Award was established in honor of his incredible teaching at Meadows from 1964 until his retirement in 1994. Tom’s career included 14 years as a leading tenor with the Metropolitan Opera. This award goes to an undergraduate voice major with a GPA above 3.0, chosen by the faculty.

Norman L. Jacobs Memorial Award – Julie Zahrndt (first-year), Ryan Ehigiator and Austin Ruff (seniors), and Nick Losos (graduate student)
The Norman L. Jacobs Memorial Award is given to a student or students selected by the brass faculty for outstanding contribution through performances, studio and master classes.

Roy and Sue Johnson Award – Alison Esparza (senior)
The Roy and Sue Johnson Award is given to a graduating senior or graduate student in any music field selected by a vote of the entire music faculty for a combination of high standards in scholarship and artistry.

Roy and Sue Johnson Award in Organ or Sacred Music in Honor of Robert T. Anderson – Joshua Boyd (graduate student)
The Roy and Sue Johnson Award in Organ or Sacred Music was established to honor distinguished Professor Emeritus of Organ and Sacred Music Dr. Robert T. Anderson, and recognizes outstanding achievement in this area.

Roy and Sue Johnson Award in Memory of Maurice Acers – Bradley Carpenter (senior)
This award is in memory of the Johnsons’ good friend and fellow musician, Maurice Acers. Because of Mr. Acers’ keen interest in sharing his love of music, they wanted this award to recognize outstanding contributions of a student active in teaching in the general education curriculum or community outreach activities involving music.

Roy and Sue Johnson Award in Honor of Dr. Herbert Turrentine – Shara Jeyarajah (senior)
This award is given to the student for excellence in the area of Music History, particularly in the area of thesis.

Lloyd Pfautsch Award – Julia Durbin (graduate student)
Established by an endowment created by the friends and former students of Lloyd Pfautsch, former choral director of the Division of Music, the Lloyd Pfautsch Award is selected by all choir members for someone who demonstrates leadership, musicianship and scholarship.

Theodore Presser Scholarship – Kealey Poole (junior)
Being selected as a Presser Scholar is one of the most prestigious achievements in any undergraduate music school. The Presser Scholar receives a financial award at the beginning of the fall semester and their name is engraved on a plaque that hangs permanently in the Meadows Music Division office.

Sigma Alpha Iota Award – Nola Preston (graduate student)
This award is designated for the person chosen by the ensemble directors for scholarship and outstanding contribution to a performing ensemble. Sigma Alpha Iota is a national, professional music fraternity and the Division of Music is grateful for this award, which they present each year.

Paul Van Katwijk Award – Emma Bolton and James Sherman (juniors)
The Van Katwijk Award is given in honor of Paul van Katwijk, dean of the School of Music at ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵfrom 1919 to 1949. This award goes to an outstanding undergraduate piano major selected by the piano faculty.

The Paul Vellucci Piano Award – Davide Cava and Eliana Yi (graduate students)
This award is given in honor of Paul Vellucci, a former ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵpiano faculty member, conductor and one of the great vocal coaches in the U.S. The award recognizes an outstanding piano student and is selected by the piano faculty.

Harold Von Mickwitz Prize in Piano – Alexandra Rasmussen (graduate student)
The prize, named after the first dean of the Meadows School of Music (1916-1918), is presented to the pianist who performs with the Meadows Symphony Orchestra as the winner of the annual Concerto Competition.

Dora Poteet Barclay Award – Nicholas Halbert (graduate student)
This award is given to a graduate organ major as well as junior/senior level majors with a 3.0 average or higher, as selected by the organ music faculty.

Marshal (undergraduate student) – Jacob Timothy Hord

Reader (graduate student) – Thomas John Zuber II

Reader (undergraduate student) – Nicholas Crothers

Division of Theatre

Undergraduate Award for Academic Excellence in the Division of Theatre – Josh LeBlanc, Alessandro Lopez, Angelica McEwan, Isa Muino and Cheyenne Young

Edyth Renshaw Award – Shyama Nithiananda
This award is given to an outstanding senior student for contribution to the division, academic achievement, and outstanding promise as an actor, director or designer.

Lu Gene Singleton Award – Stakiah Washington
This award is given to a student for exceptional acts of service, either to individuals or to the department, and for a prevailing generosity of spirit, which marks this individual’s distinction.

Garland Wright Award for Directing – Josh LeBlanc, Isa Muino and Shyama Nithiananda
This award is given in honor of Garland Wright to an outstanding student or students in the field of directing. Wright was a 1969 graduate of ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵand a major artistic voice in American theatre.

Taubman Scholarship for Excellence in Graduate Stage Design – Cory Garrett
This award is given to a first- or second-year graduate design student.

Bob Hope Award for Design – Ariel Kregal
This award is given to an outstanding second- or third-year design graduate student for scholarship, classroom leadership, academic achievement, self-development, progress as a designer in major studio and classroom performances, and production contribution.

Bill and Jean Eckart Award in Design – Janice Rabian
This award is given in honor of the Eckarts, a husband and wife team of theatre designers who designed lighting, sets and costumes for such shows as Mame, Damn Yankees, Fiorello!, Of Mice & Men and more during the 1950s and 1960s, receiving three Tony Awards for their work. They taught design at ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵin the 1990s.

Bob Hope Scholarship for Excellence in Graduate Acting – Felipe Carrasco
This award is given to a first- or second-year graduate acting student.

Bob Hope Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Acting – Lyon Hamill

Bob Hope Award for Excellence in Graduate Acting – Olivia Emile
This award is given to an outstanding graduate acting student for scholarship, classroom leadership, academic achievement, self-development, progress as a performer in major studio and classroom performances, and production contribution.

Greer Garson Awards – Sami Habib, Lyon Hamill, Angelica McEwan and Shyama Nithiananda
These awards are given to senior undergraduate theatre majors who, in the opinion of designated members of the faculty, have demonstrated excellence, aptitude and dedication in the art of acting.

Dallas Foundation Award – Camilla Frontain (Martinez)
This award is made possible by The Dallas Foundation, which serves as a leader, catalyst and resource for philanthropy by providing donors with flexible means of making gifts and bequests, primarily supporting causes of the city and county of Dallas. 

Margo Jones Award for Graduate Acting – Bradley Atuba
This award is given to an outstanding graduate acting student for artistic achievement.

Katie Featherston Awards – Sami Habib and Angelica McEwan
Alumna Katie Featherston provides $600 each for three graduating B.F.A. students to use toward headshots and/or moving expenses as they launch their careers.

Partner’s Award – Sami Habib, Angelica McEwan and Stakiah Washington
This award celebrates the students who have most successfully supported their peers as a scene partner or collaborator in the classrooms and rehearsal halls of the Theatre Division during the school year.

Rosenfield Playwriting Awards – Josh LeBlanc, Isa Muino, Shyama Nithiananda and Stakiah Washington
This award is given in honor of John and Claire Rosenfield to celebrate excellence in undergraduate playwriting. John Rosenfield was the theatre critic for The Dallas Morning News from 1926 to 1966, becoming a recognized spokesperson for the culture and arts of the southwestern U.S.

Charley Helfert Award – Larsen Nichols
This award goes to a first year who is kind to others. Professor Emeritus Charley Helfert believes that everyone should be kind, but since a lot of people aren’t, those who are should be appreciated.

Marshal – Isa Muino

Reader (graduate student) – Joshua Whittington-Manning

Reader (undergraduate student) – Stakiah Washington