Steven M. Edwards


Marriott Endowed Professor of Insights & Analytics





Steven Edwards conducts advertising research and teaches courses related to consumer behavior and customer engagement. He previously taught at Michigan State University.

Selected articles include:

  • Psychological reactance in response to pop-up ads in the Journal of Advertising
  • Internet adoption in the United States and Japan in the Journal of Advertising Research
  • Teens’ use of the internet and traditional media in the Journal of Advertising Research
  • The use of URLs in television advertising in the Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising
  • The novelty of 3D product presentations online in the Journal of Interactive Advertising
  • Using role-taking to enhance online experiences in the Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising
  • The impact of computers on creativity in the Creativity Research Journal

Prior to positions in academia, Edwards worked as a marketing research analyst at the Press Enterprise newspaper in Southern California.

View CV



Ph.D. Advertising, University of Texas at Austin; minor areas in marketing, research methods, and statistics
M.A. Interdisciplinary Studies: Marketing and Psychology, California State University-San Bernardino
B.A. Psychology, California State University-San Bernardino

Recent Work


Persuasion in new media, consumer engagement, advertising as a profession, socially responsible advertising

Professional Experience

Southern Methodist University, Temerlin Advertising Institute

  • Distinguished Chair and Professor of Advertising, August 2015 to present
  • Director of the Temerlin Advertising Institute, August 2012 to present
  • Professor of Advertising - August 2010 to present
  • Associate Professor - August 2007 to 2010

Michigan State University, Department of Advertising, Public Relations, and Retailing

  • Associate Professor, July 2004 to August 2007
  • Assistant Professor, January 1999 to July 2004

Nanyang Technological University, School of Communications and Information
Senior Fellow, July 2005 to December 2005

University of Texas at Austin, College of Communication
Research Assistant, August 1996 to December 1998

University of Texas at Austin, Department of Advertising
Instructor, August 1997 to December 1997
Teaching Assistant, August 1995 to August 1996

California State University San Bernardino, Department of Psychology
Teaching Assistant, August 1993 to June 1994
Research Assistant, January 1993 to October 1994


  1. Yoon, Hye Jin, Carrie La Ferle, and Steve M. Edwards (2016), “A Normative Approach to Motivating Savings Behavior: The Moderating Effects of Attention to Social Comparison Information,” International Journal of Advertising, online.
  2. Yoon, Hye Jin, Carrie La Ferle, and Steve Edwards (2016), “Norm Effects on Gender in Social Marketing Advertising Campaigns Promoting Savings Behavior,” Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, online.
  3. Lee, Eunsun, Steven M. Edwards, Seounmi Youn, and Taiwoong Yun (2015), "Understanding the moderating effect of motivational values on young consumers' responses to luxury brands: A cross-cultural study of South Korea and the USA." Journal of Marketing Communications, ahead-of-print: 1-22.
  4. Lee, Eunsun, Steven M. Edwards and Carrie La Ferle (2014), “Dual Attitudes toward the Model’s Race in Advertising,” Journal of Black Studies, 45(6), 479-506.
  5. La Ferle, Carrie, Gayatri Kuber and Steven M. Edwards (2013), “Factors Impacting Responses to Cause-related Marketing in India & the U.S.A.: Novelty, Altruistic Motives and Company Origin,” Journal of Business Research, 66(3), 364-373.
  6. Lee, Ki-Young, Hairong Li, and Steven M. Edwards (2012), “Psychological Processes of Virtual Experience: The Role of Attitude Accessibility and Attitude Confidence,” International Journal of Advertising, 31(2), 377-396.
  7. La Ferle, Carrie, and Steven M. Edwards (2010), “Shifting Media Uses and Gratifications among Singaporean Teens & University Students: A Future Ripe for Mobile Applications,” Communicative Business Journal, 2(July-December), 33-57.
  8. Edwards, Steven M., Jin Kyun Lee and Carrie La Ferle (2009), “Does Place Matter When Shopping Online? Perceptions of Similarity and Familiarity as Indicators of Psychological Distance,” Journal of Interactive Advertising,10(1),
  9. Edwards, Steven M. and Carrie La Ferle (2009), “Does Gender Impact the Perception of Negative Information Related to Celebrity Endorsements?” Journal of Promotion Management, 15, 23-36.
  10. La Ferle, Carrie, Steven M. Edwards and Wei-Na Lee (2008), “Culture, Attitudes Toward Advertising and Media Patterns in China, Taiwan and the USA: The Balance of Standardization and Localization,” Journal of Global Marketing, 21(3), 191-205.
  11. Edwards, Steven M. (2007), “Motivations for Using the Internet and Its Implications for Internet Advertising,” in David W. Schumann and Esther Thorson (eds.), Internet Advertising: Theory and Research, 2nd Edition, 91-120.
  12. La Ferle, Carrie and Steven M. Edwards (2006), “Product Placement: How Brands Appear on Television,” Journal of Advertising, 35(4), 65-86.
  13. Lee, Eun Sun, Spencer F. Tinkham, and Steven. M. Edwards (2005), “The Effect of Multidimensional Attitudinal Structure on Global Attitude toward the Advertisement and Purchase Intention: Utilitarian, Hedonic, and Interestingness Dimensions,” Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, 58-66.
  14. Edwards, Steven, Hairong Li and Joo-Hyun Lee (2004), “Forced Exposure and Psychological Reactance: Antecedents and Consequences of the Perceived Intrusiveness of Pop-Up Ads,” in Marla R. Stafford and Ronald J. Faber (eds.), Advertising, Promotion, and New Media, 215-236.
  15. Fico, Fred, John Richardson and Steven M. Edwards (2004), “The Hostile Media Phenomenon: Examining the Impact of Presentation Order on Perceptions of Story Credibility,” Mass Communication & Society, 7(3), 301-318.
  16. La Ferle, Carrie and Steven M. Edwards (2004), “Life Transitions Create Opportunities for Advertisers,” Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, 162-169.
  17. Edwards, Steven M. and Carrie La Ferle (2003), “Consumer Role-taking: Enhancing the Online Experience,” Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 25(2), 45-56.
  18. Edwards, Steven M. and Carrie La Ferle (2003), “Trends of the American Academy of Advertising Conference Proceedings: 1983-2002,” Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, 210-220.
  19. Gangadharbatla, Harshavardhan, Hairong Li and Steven M. Edwards (2003), “Incentive Options for Effective Web-Based Data Collection: A Conjoint Analysis” Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, 229-238.
  20. Edwards, Steven, Hairong Li and Joo-Hyun Lee (2002), “Forced Exposure and Psychological Reactance: The Perceived Intrusiveness of Rich Media Pop-Up Ads,” Journal of Advertising, 31(3), 95-107.
  21. La Ferle, Carrie, Steven M. Edwards, and Yutaka Mizuno (2002), “Internet Adoption in the United States and Japan: Cultural Considerations,” Journal of Advertising Research, 42(2), 65-79.
  22. Li, Hairong, Steven M. Edwards, and Joo-Hyun Lee (2002), “Measuring the Intrusiveness of Online Advertising: Scale Development and Validation,” Journal of Advertising, 31(2) 38-47.
  23. Edwards, Steven M. (2002), “Specialization in an Advertising Curriculum,” Journal of Advertising Education, 6(1), 6-10.
  24. Ahn, Euijin and Steven M. Edwards (2002), “The Value of Time and Banner Ad Click-through,” presented at the conference of the International Communication Association. Available from the ICA Electronic Distribution Center .
  25. Edwards, Steven M. and Harshavardhan Gangadharbatla (2001), “The Novelty of 3D Product Presentations Online,” Journal of Interactive Advertising, 2(1), available:
  26. Edwards, Steven M. (2001), “The Technology Paradox: Efficiency Versus Creativity,” Creativity Research Journal, 13(2), 221-228.
  27. La Ferle, Carrie, Hairong Li and Steven M. Edwards (2001), “An Overview of Teenagers & Television Advertising in the United States,” The Gazette: The International Journal for Communication Studies, 63(1), 7-24.
  28. Edwards, Steven M. and Harshavardhan Gangadharbatla (2001), “The Effect of Novelty on 3D Product Presentations Online,” proceedings of the Network Minds: Experiential 3D E-Commerce, Michigan State University, September 27-29, 2001.
  29. Edwards, Steven M. and Carrie La Ferle (2000), “Cross Media Promotion of the Internet in Television Commercials,” Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 22(1), 1-12.
  30. La Ferle, Carrie, Steven M. Edwards and Wei-Na Lee (2000), “Teens’ Use of Traditional Media and the Internet,” Journal of Advertising Research, 40(3), 55-65.
  31. La Ferle, Carrie and Steven M. Edwards (2000), “Understanding the Relationship Between Empathy and Emotion,” Society for Consumer Psychology,77-83.
  32. Stout, Patricia A., Steven M. Edwards and Karen Whitehill-King (1999), “The Effect of Threat Appeals in Anti-Drinking and Driving PSA’s: A Test of Protection Motivation Theory,” Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, 62-69.
  33. Bartholomew, John B., Steven M. Edwards, Britton W. Brewer, Judy L. Van Raalte, and Darwyn E. Linder (1998), “The Sports Inventory for Pain: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis,” Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 69(1), 24-29.
  34. Stout, Patricia A., Steven M. Edwards and Pamela Rivero (1998), “Beyond Fear: Other Emotional Responses to Threatening Advertising Messages,” Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, 68-76.
  35. Rivero, Pamela R., Patricia A. Stout and Steven M. Edwards (1998), “Sex Differences and Affect Intensity in Advertising,” Society for Consumer Psychology, 33-43.

Course list

 Social Media Marketing  
 Persuasion Theories  
 Consumer Engagement Strategies  
 Advertising Campaigns  
 Interactive Advertising  
Steve Edwards