Directory Information

What does ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵdefine as Directory Information?

Under FERPA, the University may identify certain student information as directory information that may be released to third-parties without a student's consent. SMU's definition of directory information includes the following:

  • Personal data which includes: Student’s name, Address (home & mailing) ,Telephone (home & mailing), ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵassigned e-mail address

  • Enrollment data which includes: Academic Program (school of record, degree objectives, majors, minors, expected graduation date), Academic Level (classification), Current Enrollment Status (full, half, part-time, etc.), Attendance Dates,  Degrees and Awards received,  Previous Education including all past schools and/or institutions attended

  • Participation data which includes: the student’s participation in officially recognized activities and sports, including an athlete’s weight and height

The student has the right to restrict disclosure/release of directory information to third-parties.
Instructions on how to restrict the release of Directory Information [PDF]

What happens when a student's Directory Information is restricted?

  • By restricting all ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵdirectory information, the student denies access to current or potential employers, other educational institutions, credit card companies, scholarship committees, insurance companies (health, auto, life, etc.) and other similar third-parties.

  • The student’s directory information will not appear in the ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵDirectory of Students, Staff and Faculty published at the beginning of each academic year (fall term).

  • After a student‘s request to restrict directory information is processed, student leaders continue to have access to the student’s directory information if he/she participates in that organization.

  • Restrictions on directory information do not apply to in-class communications.

  • Student’s name may not appear in various programs or brochures printed by the University.

Instructions for Faculty/Staff on Student Directory Information

The following documents are restricted to ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵfaculty/staff. Please log in with your ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵemail and password.

For more information contact the University Registrar’s Office at (214)768-2038 or by e-mail at