Credit by Examination: Academic Year 2018-19

Credit by examination policies are reviewed annually and are subject to change for the following academic year. 

Examinations Administered in High School

Ƶgrants credit and placement for scores of 4 or 5 on most Advanced Placement examinations taken in high school (see table below). Credit will be awarded only for exams taken while in high school. AP test scores are evaluated and Ƶcourse credit is assigned based on the articulation policies in effect for the term students matriculate to the University, regardless of when the test was taken.

Students may not receive credit for an AP exam, an International Baccalaureate exam and a college course covering the same subject matter; i.e., the course equivalency will only be awarded once. Students may decline all or part of their test credit in favor of taking the equivalent credit at SMU; declining credit is an irrevocable declaration. Credit by examination granted at Ƶis considered resident credit. 

An official copy of test results must be sent from the testing agency to the University Registrar’s Office for credit. To facilitate advising and enrollment, students should submit their official scores no later than the first day of class.

AP Examination

Accepted Score

Credits Awarded

Course(s) Credited

University Curriculum Component Satisfied

American History 4 or 5 6 Hours HIST 2311, 2312 IIC Breadth
Art 4 or 5 3 Hours ASDR 1300, ASPH 1300, or
ASPT 1300 (student’s choice)
CA Breadth
Art History 4 or 5 6 Hours ARHS 1303, 1304 HC Breadth
Biology 4 or 5 4 Hours BIOL 1302/1102 SE Breadth
Chemistry 4 or 5
4 Hours CHEM 1303/1113 SE Breadth
Computer Science A 4 or 5 3 Hours CSE 1341 None
Economics: Macro 4 or 5 3 Hours ECO 1312 None
Economics: Micro 4 or 5 3 Hours ECO 1311 / PREX 4002 QR Proficiency
English Lng/C or Lit/C 4 or 5 6 Hours DISC 1311, 1312 Partial Foundation
Environmental Science 4 or 5 3 Hours GEOL 1315 SE Breadth
European History 4 or 5 6 Hours HIST 2365

HIST 2366
HC Breadth
Govt: American 4 or 5 3 Hours PLSC 1320 IIC Breadth
Govt: Comparative 4 or 5 3 Hours PLSC 1340 IIC Breadth
Human Geography 4 or 5 3 Hours HUM 10XX None
Language or Lit: Chinese 4 or 5 8 Hours CHIN 1401, 1402 Second Language Foundation
Language or Lit: French 4 or 5 8 Hours FREN 1401, 1402 Second Language Foundation
Language or Lit: German 4 or 5 8 Hours GERM 1401, 1402 Second Language Foundation
Language or Lit: Italian
4 or 5 8 Hours ITAL 1401, 1402 Second Language Foundation
Language or Lit: Japanese Language & Culture 4 or 5 8 Hours JAPN 1401, 1402 Second Language Foundation
Language or Lit: Latin 4 or 5 8 Hours LATN 1401, 1402 Second Language Foundation
Language or Lit: Spanish 4 or 5 8 Hours SPAN 1401, 1402 Second Language Foundation
Math: Calculus AB 4 or 5 3 Hours MATH 1337 Quantitative Foundation
Math: Calculus BC 3 if AB
subscore of 4
3 Hours MATH 1337 Quantitative Foundation
Math: Calculus BC 4 or 5 6 Hours MATH 1337, 1338 Quantitative Foundation
Music Theory 4 or 5 6 Hours FETC 10XX None
Physics 1 4 or 5 3 Hours SCI 10XX With one lab PHYS 1105 = SE Breadth
Physics 2 4 or 5 3 Hours SCI 10YY With one lab PHYS 1105 = SE Breadth
Physics C (Mech)
4 or 5 3 Hours
PHYS 1303 or 1307
With one lab PHYS 1105 = SE Breadth
Physics C (E&M)
4 or 5 3 Hours
PHYS 1304 or 1308
With one lab PHYS 1106 = SE Breadth
Psychology 4 or 5 3 Hours PSYC 1300 IIC Breadth
Statistics 4 or 5 3 Hours STAT 2331 Quantitative Foundation
World History 4 or 5 3 Hours HUM 10YY None


● AP credit in the sciences may be used to satisfy the Science and Engineering breadth requirement of the University Curriculum. The UC’s Natural and Applied Science depth requirement must be satisfied through coursework at Ƶor through transfer credit of a science course with lab from an accredited college or university.

● Physics does not award placement credit for labs.

● Duplicate credit is not allowed toward an Ƶdegree. Students who enroll in classes that duplicate Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate or other test credit awards will lose these credits after the fifth day of the term. Once credit is revoked, it may not be awarded again. Students must report any credit by exam no later than the end of their first term of enrollment.


College-Level Examination Program

Ƶgives credit for CLEP subject examinations based on the specified minimum scores below:

CLEP Exam Score (out of 80) Credits Awarded Course Credited
American Literature 60 3 Hours ENGL 20XX
English Literature 60 3 Hours ENGL 20YY
Macro Economics 60 3 Hours ECO 1312
Micro Economics 60 3 Hours ECO 1311 / PREX 4002

ƵDepartmental Examinations

Ƶalso awards credit for departmental examinations offered in a variety of disciplines. Such Ƶcredit may not transfer automatically to other universities. Credit for examinations awarded by other institutions will not transfer to SMU.

World Languages

All students whose native language is English are required to take a language placement examination. Scores on these examinations determine the world language competency of entering students so that they may be placed in classes appropriate to their level of achievement and degree program. Students may not enroll in a course below the level of their placement. When the student has successfully completed the course with a grade of C or above, the student will retroactively earn up to 16 term hours of University credit for the preceding courses in the beginning and intermediate levels of the language sequence. Students must enroll in the world language courses for a letter grade (not pass/fail) for the course to serve as a basis for granting retroactive credit. Language courses taken at other institutions cannot be used as a basis for granting retroactive credit. Although students may earn retroactive credit in more than one language, the maximum aggregate credit involving more than one language allowed to count toward graduation is 16 term hours.


The Physics Department offers placement exams for PHYS 1303 and 1304. The placement exam, which must be taken in the first term that the student enrolls at SMU, is based on the final exam in the PHYS 1303 and 1304 courses.

The Physics Department does not allow test credit for labs (e.g., PHYS 1105, 1106, 4211). The essential element of the lab is the hands-on experience; therefore, substitutes will not be accepted.


Math credit exams are offered for the courses listed below and must be taken prior to initial enrollment. Calculators are not permitted on these exams, except for MATH 1307. Students interested in credit exams for courses beyond this level may contact the Mathematics Department.

MATH 1307 Introduction to Mathematical Sciences (3 credits)
MATH 1309 Introduction to Calculus for Business/Social Sciences (3 credits)
(suggested preparation = one full year of high school calculus)
MATH 1337 Calculus I (3 credits)
(suggested preparation = one full year of high school calculus)
MATH 1338 Calculus II (3 credits)

Computer Science

The Computer Science and Engineering Department offers a credit exam for CSE 1341 Principles of Computer Science I that must be taken prior to initial enrollment.

Credit for Military Veterans

Students who are military veterans and completed recruit training in the service may receive 2 hours of credit to satisfy the Personal Responsibility and Wellness  component of the University Curriculum.  The course credits awarded are:

PRW 1199 PRW I: Concepts of Wellness for Veterans(1 credit hour)
For military veterans who through their military service have met the requirements for PRW I.
PRW 2199 PRW II: Physical Fitness for Veterans(1 credit hour)
For military veterans who through their military service have met the requirements for PRW II.


International Certificate Programs

Ƶgrants credit for the successful completion of the international certificate programs listed below. In certain cases, departmental examinations may be required as a part of the evaluation process.

  1. The International Baccalaureate
    Six to eight credits will be awarded for scores of 5, 6 or 7 on International Baccalaureate higher level exams in transferable subjects, with a maximum award of 32 credits. Credits will not be awarded for standard-level exams.

    IB HL Examination


    # of Credits

    Course(s) Credited

     UC Component Satisfied

    Biology 5, 6 or 7 4 Hours BIOL 1302/1102 SE Breadth
    Chemistry 5, 6 or 7 4 Hours CHEM 1303/1113 SE Breadth
    Economics 5, 6 or 7 6 Hours ECO 1311 / PREX 4002, ECO 1312 QR Proficiency
    Geography 5, 6 or 7 6 Hours HUM 10XX, HUM 10YY None

    Africa 5, 6 or 7 6 Hours HIST 10XX, 10YY None
    Americas 5, 6 or 7 6 Hours HIST 10XX, 10YY
    Asia and Oceania 5, 6 or 7 6 Hours HIST 10XX, 10YY
    Europe, Islamic World 5, 6 or 7 6 Hours HIST 2365, 2366
    HC Breadth
    Europe, Middle East 5, 6 or 7 6 Hours HIST 10XX, 10YY
    HC Breadth
    Language A:

    English A Literature 5, 6 or 7 6 Hours DISC 1311, 1312 Partial Foundation
    All other languages 5, 6 or 7 8 Hours 1401, 1402 Second Language Foundation
    Language B 5, 6 or 7 8 Hours 1401, 1402 Second Language Foundation
    English B
    5, 6 or 7 6 Hours LANG 10XX, 10YY None
    Mathematics 5, 6 or 7 6 Hours MATH 1337, STAT 2331 Quantitative Foundation

    History 5, 6 or 7 3 Hours MUHI 10XX None
    Theory 5, 6 or 7 3 Hours MUTH 10XX None
    Physics 5, 6 or 7 6 Hours PHYS 1303, 1304 With both labs PHYS 1105 and 1106 = SE Breadth
    Psychology 5, 6 or 7 6 Hours PSYC 1300, 10XX IIC Breadth

    *Students will be awarded credit only for Higher-Level IB Exams. Standard-Level IB Exams will NOT be awarded credit. Students may be awarded a maximum of 32 IB credits.

  2. The General Certificate of Education A-Level (United Kingdom)
    Six to eight credits will be awarded for grades of A and B on A-level exams in transferable subjects, with a maximum award of 32 credits. Credits will not be awarded for a grade of C, or for 0-level and AS-level exams. Credit awards for the Art and Design A, High-Level exam are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by SMU's Art Department. 

  3. The Baccalaureate (France)
    Six to eight credits will be awarded for scores of 11 or above, with a maximum award of 32 credits.

  4. The Abitur (Germany)
    Six to eight credits will be awarded for scores of 7 or above on each of the written exams in transferable subjects, with a maximum award of 32 credits. Credits will not be awarded for oral exams.

  5. The Italian Maturita (Italy)
    For the Maturita Tecnica, Classica, Scientifica, and/or Linguistica, credits will be awarded for scores of 6 or above in transferable subjects, with a maximum award of 32 credits.


  • The Language A exam is typically taken in the native language of the student
  • Language B is a second, third or fourth language studied by the student.
  • For “all other languages” under Language A and for Language B, the course prefix will match the world language completed.
  • IB credit in the sciences may be used to satisfy the Science and Engineering breadth requirement of the University Curriculum. The UC's Natural and Applied Science depth requirement must be satisfied through coursework at Ƶor through transfer credit of a science course with lab from an accredited college or university. 
  • Physics does not award IB credit for labs.
  • Students enrolled in courses at Ƶfor which IB credit has previously been awarded will have the IB credit rescinded, and the grade in the course will count toward the student’s ƵGPA. Students are responsible for knowing and reporting their IB scores to Ƶto prevent duplicate enrollment.