Daniel Millimet

Dedman Trustee Professor and Department Chair




Office Location

Umphrey Lee 301A






Ph.D. Brown University


As an applied microeconometrician, Dr. Daniel Millimet's research focuses on understanding the causal effects of public policies (labor, educational, environmental, trade) on economic outcomes. Recently, his work emphasizes the importance of addressing econometric issues such as measurement error and missing data. His research has been funded by the US Department of Agriculture, North Texas Food Bank, International Council for Canadian Studies Program, and the Commission for Environmental Cooperation.

Dr. Millimet is a Research Fellow at IZA, a member of the HCEO network, and a Research Fellow at the Baylor Collaborative on Hunger and Poverty. He is a Senior Editor of Advances in Economics ad previously served on the editorial boards of the Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists and Empirical Economics. He has won multiple research prizes including the 2019 Outstanding Article Award published in Applied Economic Perspectives & Policy,  the 2011 Emerald Literati Network Outstanding Author Contribution Award in Advances in Econometrics, the 2008 Kenneth J. Arrow Prize for Senior Economists from the Berkeley Electronic Press, and the 2000 Austin Robinson Memorial Prize for the best paper in Economic Journal by an author who completed their PhD within the previous 5 years. He is a Journal of Applied Econometrics Distinguished Author. At SMU, he was the 2010 Gerald J. Ford Research Fellow.


Microeconometrics, Labor Economics, Environmental Economics


Econometrics (PhD), Labor Economics (undergraduate and PhD), Economics of Education (undergraduate and PhD)

Daniel Millimet