Reservation and Event Policies

Students of All MBA Programs:

Thank you for submitting your reservation request to the Collins Executive Education Center.  Please note that reservation requests submitted after 5:00 p.m., during weekends, and holidays will be processed on the next business day.  Your confirmation will be sent to you 24 hours prior to your arrival day.

Students of All MBA Programs – Study Rooms Reservation Guidelines:
Collins Center Building Hours for Use of Study Rooms are as follows:

Monday – Friday : 9:00 am to 9:00 pm
Saturday : 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Sunday : 12:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Clients and Guests Reservation Classifications

Reservation of meeting space is allocated among three (3) categories.  The final determination of class designation rests with the Dean of the Cox School of Business or his designee.



1.    Class A – Primary tenants of the building:  Cox Executive Education, Executive MBA Program, SW Graduate School of Banking, and other Cox groups.

2.    Class B – Non-Cox, SMU-affiliated groups and Cox Corporate Partners.

3.    Class C – Groups outside the University community.

Reservation Procedures

Reservations are accepted for the twelve-month calendar beginning the first working day of January.  All reservations will be acknowledged in writing to the reserving group.

1.    Class A groups may make reservations under the Advance Reservations Procedure.

2.    Class B groups may make reservations anytime during the year following the advanced reservations
       deadline on a first-come, first-served basis.

3.    Class C groups may make reservations only sixty (60) days in advance of the scheduled date of the
       event. Other exceptions for Class C reservations may be made by the Dean of the Cox School of Business
       or his designee.

Reservation Requests

The Advance Reservations Procedure is designed to allow Class A groups the opportunity to reserve space in the Collins Center prior to reservations being accepted by other groups.  Reservations by Class A groups for events that will take place during the upcoming calendar year will be accepted by the Collins Center Director of Facilities until February 1.  After February 1, the Director of Facilities will accept reservations from all other classifications on a first-come, first-served basis.


Policies for using Study Rooms in the Collins Executive Education Center:

  1.  Students must show a valid ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵI.D. in order to use the study rooms and sign-in/out accordingly at the reception in Suite 110 of the Collins Center.

  2.  I.D.s will be exchanged for keys to the study rooms.

  3.  Students must return the study room keys before leaving the building.

  4.  Rooms can be booked in 2 hour intervals.

  5.  Students can email up to one business day in advance to reserve rooms
       beginning at 9:00 am on business days, otherwise rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

  6.  Your ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵemail addresses must be used in booking rooms and for receiving confirmation.

  7.  Beverages with caps or lids are permitted inside study rooms, excluding alcohol.

  8.  Food, including snacks, is not permitted inside study rooms at any time.

  9.  When certain programs and events are in progress, commons area, dining room, and/or the executive
       lounge may be off-limits to graduate students.

10. Due to potential change in requirements for events or programs, students may be asked to vacate or
      relocate without prior notice.

11. Study rooms not occupied within 15 minutes of the reservation start time will be cancelled, allowing
      reassignment as needed.

12. Please note that reservation requests submitted after 5:00 p.m., during weekends, and holidays will be
      processed on the next business day.

Late Night Event Policy
While the Collins Center’s operating hours are extensive and meet the needs of the campus for most events, there are occasions when scheduled events require the extension of building facilities beyond scheduled closing.  Class B and C organizations may not schedule space beyond normal closing hours without specific approval from the Dean of the Cox School of Business or his designee.  The decision to grant permission for additional hours will be based on the ability of the Collins Center to provide the staff necessary to meet the needs of the program and to provide adequate security.  The only function spaces that may be used beyond the building’s scheduled closing are the Bank of Texas Dining Room, the Hillcrest Foundation Commons, and the Crum Auditorium. 

An hourly fee will be charged for each hour the building remains open and our staff is on duty.  The time will be rounded up to the nearest whole hour.  This late charge will be in addition to any applicable room rental charge.

When the event is open to persons from outside the University community, the following requirements shall apply:
1.    The event will not be approved on major weekends in the City of Dallas where such an event is likely to
       attract large numbers of off-campus visitors or is in conflict with other pre-scheduled large on-campus

2.    Events will not go later than 1:00 a.m.  The building will be locked at 2:00 a.m.

3.    Attendance will be limited to the maximum occupancy of the reserved space as determined by the
       University Park Fire Code.

4.   There may be no publicity on the radio or passing out of fliers at major events or on other campuses
      without approval of the Dean of the Cox School of Business or his designee.

5.    The Dean of the Cox School of Business or his designee, in consultation with the Department of
       Public Safety and the campus police department, shall have final say over the number of security
       personnel required to be present and the time, place, and manner of the activity.  It shall be the
       responsibility of the sponsoring group to pay for all required security costs before the event.  Non-
       payment is grounds for cancellation of the event.


Holds on Space
Class A groups may put holds on spaces in the Collins Center for a maximum of two possible dates related to the same event.  The hold must be confirmed at least six weeks prior to the date of the event or the hold will be cancelled by the Collins Center Director of Facilities.

Class B groups may put holds on space in the Collins Center for two possible dates related to the same event.  The Collins Center Director of Facilities will hold space for Class B groups for only one week.  The hold must be confirmed at least six weeks prior to the date of the event or the hold will be cancelled by the Collins Center Director of Facilities.

Class C groups may not put holds on space in the Collins Center.

Space may be reserved for either a full day or a half day

Full Day – Two options are available under the full-day rate:
•         Daytime hours – 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
•         Evening hours – 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Half Day – Two options are also available under the half-day rate:
•         Morning – 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
•         Afternoon – 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Room Deposit

Class B reservations may require a room deposit if the event involves multiple spaces, elaborate set-ups, or if the reserving group has a history of facility abuse.  If no damages occur, the deposit shall be applied to the rental charges.

Class C reservations require a deposit for the full facility rental rate, which must be received in advance to assure confirmation of the reservation.

It is expected that all function spaces will be returned to their original condition.  Individuals or groups reserving space will be charged for any damages to the Collins Center facility and/or its equipment or furnishings.  The charge will be equal to the cost of repairs or replacement.  Damages shall be itemized through an inspection by the Collins Center staff on duty at the time of the event.  Damages to facilities could result in the loss of reservation privileges.

Cancellation of Room Reservations

The Collins Center Scheduling Coordinator must be notified when a group will not be using a space that has been reserved.

Class A groups must notify the Scheduling Coordinator at least 2 working days in advance of the date of the reservation if the space will not be used to avoid to be charged.

Class B groups must notify the Scheduling Coordinator at least 5 working days in advance of the date of the reservation if the space will not be used to avoid to be charged.


Cancellation of reservations made by Class C groups must be made at least 30 days in advance of the date of the reservation.  Failure to cancel within 30 days will result in a room reservation charge at the full-day rate for each day’s reservation not cancelled.  Repeat violations of the cancellation policy may result in loss of privileges to reserve space in the Collins Center for a designated period of time.

No Shows
All the groups are subject to be charged the full rate in the event of a no-show. In Addition, study rooms reservations will be canceled within fifteen minutes from the reservation time if the Facility Team (FT) is not contact, FT can be reached at 214-768-4333.

Rental Rates
Determination of charges and rental rates will be approved by the Dean of the Cox School of Business.  Failure to pay in the prescribed time frame may result in the loss of Collins Center reservation privileges.  Charges will be made according to the following guidelines:

Please click here to see the rooms and rates.

Additional fees:
Custodial fee for large events [100 or more participants]: $500.00
Late Night Event Hourly Charge: $ 500.00 for each additional hour