Job Safety Analysis

The EHS program Q-001 outlines the ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵJob Safety Analysis (JSA) system that incorporates Quality and Safety concepts. JSA’s can be referenced prior to or during meetings for hazard awareness and to create personnel assignments for specific jobs. JSA’s can also serve as a guide for new employee training, as a refresher on jobs that are performed infrequently, and as an accident investigation tool. 

View the detailed program here.

Whom does the program apply?

SMU’s Job Safety Analysis Program will apply any employee whose work involves hazards.  Performing a JSA is a team effort. Involving others in the process reduces the likelihood of overlooking potential hazards. A team effort also increases the likelihood of identifying the most appropriate measures for eliminating or controlling hazards.   Delegations of responsibilities should be made during the tailgate meeting or safety meeting in which the JSA is completed.  Team members may include the employee(s) who will perform the task, contractors, a safety representative, and/or an engineering professional or task supervisor, as appropriate.

When is the Program a required practice?

JSA’s are required for all jobs that:

  • Are non-routine
  • Are new to the Business Unit
  • Have undergone changes in process and procedures
  • A job permit is required (hot work, electrical, ground disturbance, confined space entry), 29 CFR 1910.146
  • To determine where and when PPE is deemed necessary, 29 CFR Part 1910.132
  • For documenting lockout / tagout procedures, 29 CFR Part 1910.147

JSA’s are recommended for follow types of jobs:

  • Jobs with the highest injury or illness rates
  • Jobs in which one simple human error could lead to a severe accident or injury
  • Jobs complex enough to require written instructions.

When does the program not apply?

The program does not apply to routine tasks in which the job hazards have been identified, controls have been put into place, and the hazards are controlled to an acceptable level of risk. However, JSA’s are a best practice and should always be considered to identify all potential hazards for a particular job task, and then recommend potential controls to reduce any newly identified hazards.

Records Management

It is the manager’s responsibility to ensure the documents are kept up-to date, a copy stored in a Job Safety Analysis Book or Online for employees to utilize and updated copies sent to the EHS group within the Office of Risk Management upon completion and revision.

Job Safety Analysis Form QF-001-1 is utilized to document the hazard analysis.

Work units are responsible for maintaining a record of all JSA training provided to their employees.  EHS will maintain records of JSA training provided by EHS personnel.


JSA Training will be provided initially upon hiring for ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵemployees.

ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵwill keep records of employee training. The training records will include employee name, training date, and the content of the training. Documentation of training will be kept for at least three years from the training date. 

The level of risk assessment ( hazard analysis / safety analysis) training provided to employees is based on their level of involvement with hazard analysis, the potential to perform job tasks that have a high potential for accidents, and what is required by current regulation.

EHS Group will provide general JSA training to their employees. Supervisors are responsible for training their employees on equipment-specific JSA’s and other hazard analyses.