Perkins Presents Free "Lunch & Learn" Feb. 10

Dr. Natalia Marandiuc Speaks on "God's Providence and Neighbor Love"

Houston – Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University presents a Lunch & Learn event Monday, February 10, 2014, from 11:45 am – 1:00 pm. This free event will be held at the location of Perkins School of Theology’s Houston-Galveston Extension Program, 3501 W. Alabama, Suite 107, in Houston. 

Dr. Natalia Marandiuc, Assistant Professor of Christian Theology, Southern Methodist University (SMU) 
 Dr. Natalia Marandiuc

The February 2014 Lunch & Learn features Dr. , assistant professor of Christian Theology at Perkins, speaking on God’s Providence and Neighbor Love. “God is the author of an extraordinary love story between God and human beings,” Dr. Marandiuc says. “This love flow produces the human self; loving our neighbors then is entering God’s own stream of love towards them, and co-creating their and our subjectivity.” Dr. Marandiuc currently is working on a book manuscript based on her Ph.D. dissertation at Yale, provisionally titled The Goodness of Home: Love Attachments, Trinitarian Pneumatology, and the Making of the Self

A native of Romania, Dr. Marandiuc earned the Ph.D. in Religious Studies and Theology from Yale University in 2013. In addition, she earned the M.A. and M.Phil. degrees in 2009, the M.A. degree in Religion in 2004 – all from Yale – and a B.S. degree in Economics from Barry University in 1997. 

The , which periodically hosts Lunch & Learn events for prospective students, also welcomes alumni, friends and any other guests who might be interested. While there is no charge to attend, reservations are requested. For more information or to make a reservation for the February 10 Lunch & Learn, contact Rev. Susan Buchanan, Director of Recruitment and Student Services, Houston-Galveston Extension Program, or 713-621-5059. 

More about upcoming “Lunch & Learn” events:  

More about the Perkins School of Theology Houston-Galveston Extension Program:


, founded in 1911, is one of five official University-related schools of theology of . Degree programs include the Master of Divinity, Master of Sacred Music, Master of Theological Studies, Master of Church Ministries, and Doctor of Ministry, as well as the Ph.D., in cooperation with at SMU’s of Humanities and Sciences.