Commencement 2018: A Record-Breaking Year for Cox Graduates

Congratulations to the Class of 2018!

Record graduate numbers for Cox in 2018 - 424 students earned BBA's and 538 earned graduate degrees (MS and MBA)

This was a record-breaking year for the undergraduate and graduate programs.

On the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) side, 424 students—the largest number of Cox BBA graduates ever—completed the degree program in the spring semester. The 1 p.m. undergraduate commencement ceremony in SMU’s Moody Coliseum on Saturday, May 19 included 457 participants, with the spring graduates joined by December 2017 and summer 2018 (early walk) graduates.
Four of this year’s BBA graduates earned a perfect 4.000 grade point average (GPA). Each was eligible to serve as a Cox standard-bearer, although one of the four opted to participate as a Meadows standard-bearer.
The BBA Class of 2018 also included the highest number of students—78 total—ever to earn Latin honors at Cox.

  • A total of 78 BBA graduates earned Latin honors this year:

  • 28 earned summa cum laude, with a minimum GPA of 3.929

  • 26 earned magna cum laude, with a minimum GPA of 3.861

  • 24 earned cum laude, with a minimum GPA of 3.815

Equally record breaking was the number of graduate students—538, the largest number ever—completing their degrees in May. At the 3 p.m. graduate student commencement ceremony, 241 Master of Business Administration (MBA) students, including Full-Time, Professional, Fast Track and Executive MBA graduates, were joined by those who completed their respective programs in December or will complete them in August. Also, a record number of Master of Science (MS) students—297 spring graduates of the MS in Accounting, MS in Business Analytics, MS in Finance and MS in Management programs—were joined by December and August graduates.

Two graduate students—an MS Accounting student and a Fast Track MBA student—earned a perfect 4.000 GPA. They served as class marshals and led fellow graduates from their respective programs onto the floor of Moody Coliseum. They also announced their classmates’ names as they crossed the commencement stage to receive their degrees.

A total of 66 Cox graduate students—38 MBAs and 28 MS graduates—finished in the top 20 percent of the Class of 2018, which earned them the right to join Beta Gamma Sigma, the business honor society. To qualify for Beta Gamma Sigma, students must graduate in the top 20 percent of their class.